"Many people, especially
ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for
being correct.
Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of
your time.
If you're right and you know it, speak your mind.
Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth."
Mahatma Gandhi

Julian Assange

former CIA case officer
"A considerable proportion
of the developed world's prosperity rests on paying the lowest
possible prices for the poor countries' primary products and on
exporting high-cost capital and finished goods to those countries.
Continuation of this kind of prosperity requires continuation
of the relative gap between developed and underdeveloped countries
- it means keeping poor people poor. Increasingly, the impoverished
masses are understanding that. The prosperity of the developed
countries and of the privileged minorities in their own countries
is founded on their poverty."
"What the CIA does is ordered
by the President and the NSC [National Security Council]. The
Agency neither makes decisions on policy nor acts on its own account.
It is an instrument of the President."
"Secret CIA operations
constitute the usually unseen efforts to shore up unjust, unpopular,
minority governments, always with the hope that overt military
intervention (as in Vietnam) will not be necessary. The more successful
CIA operations are, the more remote overt intervention becomes
- and the more remote become reforms. Latin America in the 1960s
is all the proof one needs."
"US national security,
as preached by US leaders, is the security of the capitalist class
in the US, not the security of the rest of the people."
"American capitalism, based
as it is on exploitation of the poor, with its fundamental motivation
in personal greed, simply cannot survive without force - without
a secret police force. Now, more than ever, each of us is forced
to make a conscious choice whether to support the system of minority
comfort and privilege with all its security apparatus and repression,
or whether to struggle for real equality of opportunity and fair
distribution of benefits for all of society, in the domestic as
well as the international order. It's harder now not to realize
that there are two sides, harder not to understand each, and harder
not to recognize that like it or not, we contribute day in and
day out either to the one side or to the other."

"American leaders are perhaps
not so much immoral as they are amoral. It's not that they take
pleasure in causing so much death and suffering. It's that they
just don't care. The same that could be said about a sociopath.
As long as the death and suffering advance the agenda of the empire,
as long as the right people and the right corporations gain wealth
and power and privilege and prestige, as long as the death and
suffering aren't happening to them or people close to them, then
they just don't care about it happening to other people, including
the American soldiers whom they throw into wars and who come home-
- he ones who make it back alive - with Agent Orange or Gulf War
Syndrome eating away at their bodies. American leaders would not
be in the positions they hold if they were bothered by such things."
"Since the end of World
War 2, the United States has:
1 - Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most
of which were democratically-elected.
2 - Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.
3 - Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.
4 - Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in
20 countries.
5 - Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30
6 - Led the world in torture; not only the torture performed directly
by Americans upon foreigners, but providing torture equipment,
torture manuals, lists of people to be tortured, and in-person
guidance by American teachers, especially in Latin America."
"U.S. foreign policy is
cruel because American leaders are cruel. Our leaders are cruel
because only those willing and able to be inordinately cruel and
remorseless can hold positions of leadership in the foreign policy
establishment. People capable of expressing a full human measure
of compassion and empathy toward faraway powerless strangers do
not become president of the United States, or vice president,
or secretary of state, or national security adviser or secretary
of the treasury. Nor do they want to."
"America cherishes her
enemies. Without enemies, she is a nation without purpose and
direction. The various components of the National Security State
need enemies to justify their swollen budgets, to aggrandize their
work, to protect their jobs, to give themselves a mission in the
aftermath of the Soviet Union."
"A terrorist is someone
who has a bomb but doesn't have an air force."
"The United States seeks
to dominate the world. For economic reasons, nationalistic reasons,
ideological, Christian, and for other reasons, world hegemony
has long been America's bottom line. And let's not forget the
powerful Executive Branch officials whose salaries, promotions,
agency budgets and future well-paying private sector jobs depend
upon perpetual war. These leaders are not especially concerned
about the consequences for the world of their wars."
"The American people are
very much like the children of a Mafia boss who do not know what
their father does for a living, and don't want to know, but then
they wonder why someone just threw a firebomb through the living
room window."
"President Bill Clinton
bombed Yugoslavia for seventy-eight days and nights in a row.
His military and political policies destroyed one of the most
progressive countries in Europe. And he called it humanitarian
... The main purpose of the bombings of Yugoslavia in 1999 was
to make life so difficult for the Yugoslav public that support
of the government of Slobodan Milosevic would be undermined. This
is the classic definition of 'terrorism', as used by the FBI,
the CIA, and the United Nations: the use or threat of violence
against a civilian population to induce the government to change
certain policies."
"The increase in recent
years in Honduran migration to the US is a direct result of the
overthrow of Manuel Zelaya, whose crime was raising the minimum
wage, giving subsidies to small farmers and instituting free education."
"Every socialist experiment
of any significance in the past century has been corrupted, subverted,
perverted, destabilized, crushed, overthrown, bombed, invaded
or otherwise had life made impossible for it, by the United States.
Not one socialist government or movement - from the Russian Revolution
to Cuba, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and the FMLN in Salvador,
from Communist China to Grenada, Chile and Vietnam - was permitted
to rise or fall solely on its own merits; not one was left secure
enough to drop its guard against the all-powerful enemy abroad
and freely and fully relax control at home."
"Whenever a progressive
government comes to power in Latin America or threatens to do
so, a government sincerely committed to fighting poverty, the
United States helps to suppress the movement and/or supports the
country's right-wing and military in staging a coup."
"The Khmer Rouge in all
likelihood would never have come to power, nor even made a serious
attempt to do so, if not for the massive America carpet bombing
of Cambodia in 1969-70 and the US-supported overthrow of Prince
Sihanouk in 1970 and his replacement by a man closely tied to
the United States.
... The United States supported Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge for
several years after they were ousted from power by the Vietnamese
in 1979. This support began under Jimmy Carter and his national
security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and continued under Ronald
"Do American leaders really
believe the utterances that emanate from their mouths? When the
word "god" is regularly invoked in their talks, while
American Hellfire missiles are sent screaming into a city center
or a village marketplace teeming with life? When they carry on
endlessly about democracy and freedom, while American soldiers
are smashing down doors, dragging off the men, humiliating the
women, traumatizing the children. When they proclaim the liberation
of a people and the bringing forth of a better life, while vast
quantities of American depleted uranium are exploding into a fine
vapor which will poison the air, the soil, the blood and the genes
"It would be difficult
to find a single brutal dictatorship of the second half of the
twentieth century that the United States did not support, not
only supported, but often put in power and kept in power against
the wishes of the people."
"The greatest myth concerning
American foreign policies is the deeply-held belief that no matter
what the United States does abroad, no matter how bad it may look,
no matter what horror may result, the American government means
well. American leaders may make mistakes, they may blunder, they
may even on the odd occasion cause more harm than good, but they
do mean well. Their intentions are always honorable. Of that Americans
are certain. They genuinely wonder why the rest of the world can't
see how kind and generous and self-sacrificing America has been."
"The engine of American
foreign policy has been fueled not by a devotion to any kind of
morality, but rather by the necessity to serve other imperatives:
making the world safe for American corporations; enhancing the
financial statements of defense contractors at home who have contributed
generously to members of congress; preventing the rise of any
society that might serve as a successful example of an alternative
to the capitalist model; extending political and economic hegemony
over as wide an area as possible."
"American foreign-policy
makers are exquisitely attuned to the rise of a government, or
a movement that might take power, that will not lie down and happily
become an American client state, that will not look upon the free
market or the privatization of the world known as "globalization",
that will not change its laws to favor foreign investment, that
will not be unconcerned about the effects of foreign investment
upon the welfare of its own people, that will not produce primarily
for export, that will not allow asbestos, banned pesticides and
other products restricted in the developed world to be dumped
onto their people, that will not easily tolerate the International
Monetary Fund or the World Trade Organization inflicting a scorched-earth
policy upon the country's social services or standard of living,
that will not allow an American or NATO military installation
upon its soil. Given the proper pretext, such bad examples have
to be reduced to basket cases, or, where feasible, simply overthrown."
"Since 1945, the United
States has attempted to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments,
and to crush more than 30 populist-nationalist movements fighting
against intolerable regimes. In the process, the US bombed some
25 countries, caused the end of life for several million people,
and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair."
"As cynical as many Americans
are, they are frequently not cynical enough about the power elite's
motivations. No matter how many times they're lied to, they still
often underestimate the government's capacity for deceit, clinging
to the belief that their leaders somehow mean well. As long as
people believe that their elected leaders are well intentioned,
the leaders can, and do, get away with murder. Literally."

most decorated Marine in U.S. history
at that time
"I spent thirty-three years
and four months in active military service as a member of this
country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served
in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major General.
And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class
muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers.
In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am
sure of it.
I helped make Honduras 'right' for American fruit companies in
1903. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American
oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place
for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped
in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the
benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I
helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of
Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. 1 brought light to the Dominican
Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped
to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would
say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have
given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate
his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."
"War is largely a matter
of money. Bankers lend money to foreign countries and when they
cannot repay, the President sends Marines to get it. I know. I've
been in eleven of these expeditions."
"Our boys were sent off
to die with beautiful ideals painted in front of them. No one
told them that dollars and cents were the real reason they were
marching off to kill and die."
"In the World War (World
War I), we used propaganda to make the boys accept conscription.
They were made to feel ashamed if they didn't join the army.
So vicious was this war propaganda that even God was brought into
it. With few exceptions our clergymen joined in the clamor to
kill, kill, kill. To kill the Germans. God is on our side. It
is His will that the Germans be killed.
And in Germany, the good pastors called upon the Germans to kill
the allies, to please the same God. That was a part of the general
propaganda, built up to make people war conscious and murder conscious."
"Three steps must be taken
to smash the war racket.
We must take the profit out of war.
We must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide
whether or not there should be war.
We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes."
"The professional soldiers
and sailors don't want to disarm. No admiral wants to be without
a ship. No general wants to be without a command. They are not
for disarmament. They cannot be for limitations of arms.
There is only one way to disarm with any semblance of practicability.
That is for all nations to get together and scrap every ship,
every gun, every rifle, every tank, every war plane."
"In the World War [World
War I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At
least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the
United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge
blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires
falsified their tax returns no one knows.
How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many
of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go
hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless,
frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun
bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy?
How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?"
"The normal profits of
a business concern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and
sometimes even twelve per cent. But wartime profits, that is another
matter - twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen
hundred per cent-the sky is the limit. All that the traffic will
bear. Uncle Sam has the money. Let's get it.
Of course, it isn't put that crudely in war time. It is dressed
into speeches about patriotism, love of country, and "we
must all put our shoulder to the wheel," but the profits
jump and leap and skyrocket-and are safely pocketed."
"Like all members of the
military profession, I never had an original thought until I left
the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation
while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with
everyone in the military service."

"International affairs
is run like the mafia, and the Godfather (United States) does
not accept disobedience. It's too dangerous. So you send in your
goons to beat the disobedient shopkeeper (or country) to a pulp,
so everyone else gets the idea - you don't disobey orders. That's
the way international affairs are run."
"So how does the U.S, improve
the business climate in third world countries? Well, it's easy.
You murder priests, you torture peasant organizers, you destroy
popular organizations, you institute mass murder and repression
to crush any popular organizations. And that improves the investment
"In 1990, Haiti had its
first free election, and to the surprise and shock of Washington,
the organized public in the slums and hills elected Jean-Bertrand
Aristide, a popular priest committed to liberation theology. The
United States at once moved to undermine the elected government
and, after the military coup that overthrew it a few months later,
lent substantial support to the vicious military junta and its
elite supporters who took power.
In 2004, the two traditional torturers of Haiti, France and the
United States, joined by Canada, kidnapped President Aristide
- who had been elected again - and shipped him off to central
Africa. Aristide and his party were then effectively barred from
the 2010-11 elections."
"If the Nuremberg laws
were applied, then every post-war American president would have
been hanged."
"The total number of civilians
killed, wounded, made homeless and impoverished by U.S. leaders
or local regimes owing their power to the United States - in Indochina
and Iraq, Mexico, El Salvador, Israel/Palestine, the Dominican
Republic, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Egypt, Iran, South Africa,
Chile, East Timor, Haiti, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia,
Venezuela, Cuba, Jamaica, the Philippines and Indonesia - is in
the tens of millions."
"Wrecking a Third World
country's economy and savaging its civilians are such standard
U.S. elite behavior that it is barely noticed, let alone criticized
in the mass media or halls of Congress. "
"A stunning illustration
of the success of propaganda is the cult of the great killer and
torturer Ronald Reagan, one of the grand criminals of the modern
era, who had an unerring instinct for favoring the most brutal
terrorists and murderers around the world."
"The old colonial world
was shattered during World War II, and the resultant nationalist-radical
upsurge threatened traditional Western hegemony and the economic
interests of Western business. To contain this threat the United
States has aligned itself with elite and military elements in
the Third World whose function has been to contain the tides of
change. Under frequent U.S. sponsorship the neo-fascist National
Security State and other forms of authoritarian rule have become
the dominant mode of government in the Third World."
"The Middle East is center
of the world's energy resources. It's been an axiom of U.S. foreign
policy that it must control Middle East energy resources. It is
not a matter of access. The issue has always been control. Control
is the source of strategic power."
"There are many terrorist
states in the world, but the United States is unusual in that
it is officially committed to international terrorism."
"Under Ronald Reagan, USAID and the World Bank set up very
explicit programs, explicitly designed to destroy Haitian agriculture.
They didn't cover it up. They gave an argument that Haiti shouldn't
have an agricultural system, it should have assembly plants; women
working to stitch baseballs in miserable conditions."
"The US supports democracy
around the world only if it conforms to strategic and economic
"One of the traditional
and obvious ways of controlling people in every society is to
frighten them. If people of a democracy or a military dictatorship
are frightened they'll cede authority to their superiors, who
will protect them. So, the fear of drugs, the fear of crime, the
fear of terrorism is very much stimulated by state and business
"The U.S. government played
a significant role in the 1965 Indonesian genocide by supplying
the names of thousands of Communist Party leaders to the Indonesian
army, which hunted down the leftists and killed them."
"United State's aid is
closely correlated with improvement in a country's Investment
climate - a result commonly achieved by murdering priests and
union leaders, massacring peasants trying to organize, blowing
up the independent press, and soon."
"Somebody's paying the
corporations that destroyed Iraq and the corporations that are
rebuilding it. They're getting paid by the American taxpayer in
both cases. So we pay them to destroy the country, and then we
pay them to rebuild it."
"There are good reasons
why the CIA and drugs are so closely linked. Clandestine terror
requires hidden funds, and the criminal elements to whom the intelligence
agencies naturally turn expect a quid pro quo. Drugs are the obvious
answer. Washington's long-term involvement in the drug racket
is part and parcel of its international operations."
"Over 440 villages were
totally destroyed and well over 100,000 civilians were killed
or "disappeared" in Guatemala, all with the enthusiastic
support of the Reagan Administration. The toll is estimated at
about 200,000 unarmed civilians killed or disappeared."
"That Cuba has survived
at all under a total U.S. economic embargo is an achievement in
itself. That it registered the highest per capita increase in
gross social product (wages and social benefits) of any economy
in Latin America-and almost double that of the next highest country
over the period 1981-1990 is quite remarkable. Moreover, despite
the economic difficulties, the average Cuban is still better fed,
housed, educated and provided for medically than other Latin Americans."

"The 'war on terrorism'
purports to defend the American Homeland and protect the 'civilized
world'. It is upheld as a 'war of religion', a 'clash of civilizations',
when in fact the main objective of this war is to secure control
and corporate ownership over the region's extensive oil wealth,
while also imposing under the helm of the IMF and the World Bank,
the privatization of state enterprises and the transfer of the
countries' economic assets into the hands of foreign capital.
... The Battle for Oil requires the demonization of those who
possess the oil. The enemy is characterized as evil, with a view
to justifying military action including the mass killing of civilians.
The ultimate objective, combining military action, covert intelligence
operations and war propaganda, is to break down the national fabric
and transform sovereign countries into open economic territories,
where natural resources can be plundered and confiscated under
"free market" supervision."
"When war is upheld as
a humanitarian endeavor, justice and the entire international
legal system are turned upside down. Pacifism and the antiwar
movement are criminalized. Opposing the war becomes a criminal
act. Meanwhile, the war criminals in high office have ordered
a witch hunt against those who challenge their authority."
"Al Qaeda was a creation
of the CIA going back to the Soviet-Afghan war.
It was supported and financed from its inception in the early
1980s by the CIA."
"It is not Iran and North
Korea which are a threat to global security but the United States
of America and Israel. Western European governments which possess
nuclear weapons have joined the bandwagon. In chorus, Western
Europe and the member states of the Atlantic alliance (NATO) have
endorsed the US-led military initiative against Iran."
"The proceeds of the Afghan
heroin trade are the source of wealth formation outside Afghanistan,
largely reaped by powerful financial and business/criminal interests
within Western countries. This process of wealth accumulation
resulting from the drug trade is sustained and supported by the
US "War on Terrorism". Decision-making in the US State
Department, the CIA and the Pentagon is instrumental in supporting
this highly profitable multibillion dollar trade, third in commodity
value after oil and the arms trade."
"The military and intelligence
apparatus has clearly taken over the reins of foreign policy in
close consultation with Wall Street. With key decisions taken
behind closed doors at the CIA and the Pentagon, civilian political
institutions including the US Congress increasingly become a facade.
The powers behind this system are those of the global banks and
financial institutions, the military-industrial complex, the oil
and energy giants, the biotech and pharmaceutical conglomerates
and the powerful media and communications giants, which fabricate
the news and overtly influence the course of world events by blatantly
distorting the facts."
"The proceeds of the drug
trade are deposited in the banking system. Drug money is laundered
in the numerous offshore banking havens in Switzerland, Luxembourg,
the British Channel Islands, the Cayman Islands and some 50 other
locations around the globe. It is here that criminal syndicates
involved in the drug trade and the representatives of the world's
largest commercial banks interact. Dirty money is deposited in
these offshore havens, which are controlled by major Western banks
and financial institutions. The latter, therefore, have a vested
interest in maintaining and sustaining the drug trade.
... Once the money has been laundered, it can be recycled into
bona fide investments not only in real estate, hotels, etc, but
also in other areas such as the services economy and manufacturing.
Dirty and covert money is also funneled into various financial
instruments including speculative stock exchange transactions
(derivatives), primary commodities, stocks and government bonds."
"The IMF, acting on behalf
of Wall Street, calls the shots on the reform of national monetary
systems. National currencies in Latin America, Africa, the Middle
East and South East Asia are in large part controlled by Western
financial institutions."
"U.S. military might supports
the worldwide hegemony of the U.S. dollar. fostering the imposition
of the U.S. dollar as a world currency. America is the largest
debtor nation, and at the same time it is the world's creditor.
Creating money out of thin air, while at the same time imposing
the U.S. dollar as a global currency constitutes the ultimate
instrument of conquest and imperial domination."
"The U.S. agenda for Pakistan
is similar to that applied throughout the broader Middle East
Central Asian region. U.S. strategy, supported by covert intelligence
operations, consists in triggering ethnic and religious strife,
abetting and financing secessionist movements, while also weakening
the institutions of the central government.
... The broader objective is to foment separatist movements, fracture
the Nation State and redraw the borders of Pakistan."
"There are powerful business
and financial interests behind narcotics. From this standpoint,
geopolitical and military control over the drug routes is as strategic
as oil and oil pipelines. The bulk of the revenues associated
with the global trade in narcotics are not appropriated by terrorist
groups and warlords. Intelligence agencies, powerful business,
drug traders and organized crime are competing for the strategic
control over the heroin routes.
... A large share of the multibillion dollar revenues of narcotics
are deposited in the Western banking system. Most of the large
international banks together with their affiliates in the offshore
banking havens launder large amounts of narco-dollars."
"War is inextricably linked
to the impoverishment of people at home and around the world.
Militarization and the economic crisis are intimately related.
The provision of essential goods and services to meet basic human
needs has been replaced by a profit-driven "killing machine"
in support of America's Global War on Terror. The poor are made
to fight the poor. Yet war enriches the upper class, which controls
industry, the military, oil and banking. In a war economy, death
is good for business, poverty is good for society, and power is
good for politics. Western nations, particularly the United States,
spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year to murder innocent
people in far-away impoverished nations, while the people at home
suffer the disparities of poverty, class, gender and racial divides."
"Afghanistan produces 90
percent of the world's heroin. The underlying military and intelligence
objective is to protect the cocaine and heroin markets, which
feed billions of narco-dollars into the Western banking system.
Drug trafficking constitutes the third biggest global commodity
in cash terms after oil and the arms trade. Afghanistan and Colombia
are the largest drug producing economies in the world, which feed
a flourishing criminal economy. The drug trade is protected. The
CIA has played a central role in the development of both the Latin
American and Asian drug triangles."
"From the mid-1980s, the
Kampala government under Ugandan President Yoweri Musaveni had
become Washington's African showpiece of "democracy".
Uganda had also become a launchpad for US-sponsored guerilla movements
into the Sudan, Rwanda and the Congo."
"Estimates of the Israeli
nuclear arsenal range from a minimum of 200 to a maximum of about
500. A staple of the Israeli nuclear arsenal are "neutron
bombs," miniaturized thermonuclear bombs designed to maximize
deadly gamma radiation while minimizing blast effects and long
term radiation - in essence designed to kill people while leaving
property intact."
"The civil war in Rwanda
was a brutal struggle for political power between the Hutu-led
Habyarimana government supported by France and the Tutsi Rwandan
Patriotic Front (RPF) backed financially and militarily by Washington.
Ethnic rivalries were used deliberately in the pursuit of geopolitical
... Major General Paul Kagame personally ordered the shooting
down of Rwandan President Habyarimana's plane with a view to taking
control of the country. He was fully aware that the assassination
of Habyarimana would unleash a genocide against Tutsi civilians.
RPA (Rwanda Patriotic Army) forces had been fully deployed in
Kigali at the time the ethnic massacres took place and did not
act to prevent it from happening.
... Kagame was an instrument of Washington. The loss of African
lives did not matter. The Rwandan civil war and the ethnic massacres
were an integral part of US foreign policy, carefully staged in
accordance with precise strategic and economic objectives.
... By supporting the build up of Ugandan and Rwandan forces and
by directly intervening in the Congolese civil war, Washington
also bears a direct responsibility for the ethnic massacres committed
in the Eastern Congo."

"The National Endowment
for Democracy (NED), the George Soros Open Society Institute,
Freedom House and Gene Sharp's Albert Einstein Institution (a
US intelligence asset), are used to spark "non-violent"
regime change around the world on behalf of the US strategic agenda.
...The NED is a US government-funded 'private' entity whose activities
are designed to support US foreign policy objectives, doing today
what the CIA did during the Cold War."
"After August 1971, the
dominant U.S. policy under the White House national security adviser
Henry A. Kissinger, was to control, not to develop, economies
throughout the world. Population reduction in developing nations,
rather than technology transfer and industrial growth strategies,
became the dominating priority during the 1970s."
"In November 1990, the
U.S. Congress passed the Foreign Operations Appropriations Act.
The new U. S. law provided that any part of Yugoslavia failing
to declare independence from Yugoslavia within six months of the
act would lose all U.S. financial support. The law demanded separate
elections, supervised by the U.S. State Department, in each of
the six Yugoslav republics. It also stipulated that any aid go
directly to each republic, and not to the central Yugoslav government
in Belgrade. In short, the Bush administration demanded the self-dissolution
of the Yugoslav Federation.
In 1992 Washington imposed a total economic embargo on Yugoslavia,
freezing all trade and plunging the economy into chaos, with hyperinflation
and 70 per cent unemployment as the result."
"What has taken place since
the early 1980s has been a wealth transfer from the capital-starved
Third World, primarily into the financing of deficits in the United
States, and to a lesser degree Britain. During the 1980s, the
combined nations of the developing world transferred a total of
$400 billion into the United States alone. This allowed the Reagan
administration to finance the largest peacetime deficits in world
history, while falsely claiming credit for 'the world's longest
peacetime recovery.'
With high U.S. interest rates, a rising dollar, and the security
of American government backing, fully 43 per cent of the record
high U.S. budget deficits during the 1980s were 'financed' by
this de facto looting of capital from the debtor countries of
the once-developing sector. As with the Anglo-American bankers
in the post-First World War Versailles reparations debt process,
the debt was merely a vehicle to establish de facto economic control
over entire sovereign countries."
"While Henry Kissinger's
1973 oil shock had a devastating impact on world industrial growth,
it had an enormous benefit for certain established interests -
the major New York and London banks, and the Seven Sisters oil
multinationals of the United States and Britain.
The bulk of the OPEC dollar revenues, Kissinger's 'recycled petrodollars',
was deposited with the leading banks of London and New York, the
banks which dealt in dollars as well as international oil trade.
Chase Manhattan, Citibank, Manufacturers Hanover, Bank of America,
Barclays, Lloyds, Midland Bank, all enjoyed the windfall profits
of the oil crisis."
"The public profile of
Carter's presidency was 'human rights' for the Third World, 'negotiation,
not confrontation'. He portrayed himself as an 'outsider' to the
Washington power establishment, but the content of U.S. policy
under Carter, with his preselected crew of establishment advisers,
was to maintain the American century at all costs. Third World
development was to be blocked, and a 'limits to growth' postindustrial
policy was to be imposed, to maintain the hegemony of the dollar
imperium. Carter's 'human rights' was to become a bludgeon to
justify unprecedented U.S. intervention into the internal affairs
of targeted Third World nations."
"Powerful British and U.S.
multinationals followed the banks during the 1980s to set up child-labor
sweatshops in places such as along the Mexican border with the
United States. These maquiladores, as the low-skill assembly plants
were named, employed desperate Mexican children aged 14 or 15
for wages of 50 cents an hour, to produce goods for General Motors
or Ford Motor Company or various U.S. electrical companies. They
were allowed by the Mexican government, because they 'earned'
dollars needed to service the debt."
"Kuwaiti oil minister Sheikh
Saud Nasir al-Sabah's daughter was the Kuwaiti woman who had told
the U.S. Congress in October 1990 that she had witnessed Iraqi
soldiers taking Kuwaiti babies from their incubators. Her shocking
testimony had been a major factor in getting U.S. popular support
for Operation Desert Storm. That incident was later exposed as
a PR stunt."
"As George W. Bush prepared
his bid to secure reelection, a definite pattern to U.S. military
policy and to U.S. energy policy was clear. The conclusion was
inescapable. U.S. foreign and military policy was now about controlling
every major existing and potential oil source and transport route
on earth. Such control would be unprecedented. One superpower,
the United States, would be in a position to decide who gets how
much energy and at what price."
"When the Venezuelan president,
Hugo Chavez, tried to take more direct policy control of the Venezuelan
state oil company, the Bush administration attempted a covert
"Kissinger Associates (Henry
Kissinger's high-powered consultancy firm) worked together with
the New York banks and circles of the Washington administration
to impose the most onerous debt collection terms since the Versailles
reparations process of the early 1920s.
... The powerful private banking interests of New York and London
managed to bring in the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and,
most importantly, the powers of the International Monetary Fund,
to act as international 'policemen,' in what was to become the
most concerted organized looting operation in modern history,
far exceeding anything achieved during the 1920s.
... Mexico, under this IMF regimen, was forced to slash subsidies
on vital medicines, foodstuffs, fuels, and other necessities for
its population. People, often infants, died needlessly for lack
of the most basic medicine imports.
The same process was repeated in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela,
most of black Africa, including Zambia, Zaire and Egypt, and large
parts of Asia. The IMF had become the global 'policeman' to enforce
payment of usurious debts through imposition of the most draconian
austerity in history. With the crucial voting bloc of the IMF
firmly controlled by an American-British axis, the institution
became the global enforcer of Anglo-American monetary and economic
interests in a manner never before seen."
"At the start of the new
millennium, the United Stated held a near monopoly on military
technology and might. It commanded the world's reserve currency
and with it was able to control the assets of much of the industrial
world. Following the occupation of the oil fields of Iraq, the
United States, now commanded a near monopoly on future energy
resources. The Pentagon had a term for it - 'full spectrum dominance.'
It meant that the United States should control military, economic
and political developments, everywhere."
"The aim of Washington's
IMF "market reforms" in the former Soviet Union was
brutally simple: destroy the economic ties that bound Moscow to
each part of the Soviet Union. IMF shock therapy was intended
to create weak, unstable economies on the periphery of Russia,
dependent on Western capital and on dollar inflows for their survival
- a form of neocolonialism. The Russians were to get the standard
Third World treatment. IMF conditionalities and a plunge into
poverty for the population. A tiny elite were allowed to become
fabulously rich in dollar terms, manipulatable by Wall Street
bankers and investors.
The West, above all the United States, clearly wanted a deindustrialized
Russia, to permanently break up the economic structure of the
old Soviet Union. A major area of the global economy, which had
been largely closed to the dollar domain for more than seven decades,
was to be brought under its control."
"For over 40 years, Washington
had quietly supported Yugoslavia, and the Tito model of mixed
socialism, as a buffer against the Soviet Union. As Moscow's empire
began to fall apart, Washington had no more use for a buffer -
especially a nationalist buffer which was economically successful,
one that might convince neighboring states in eastern Europe that
a middle way other than IMF shock therapy was possible. The Yugoslav
model had to be dismantled, for this reason alone, in the eyes
of top Washington strategists. The fact that Yugoslavia also lay
on a critical path to the potential oil riches of central Asia
merely added to the argument."
"Through slick Madison
Avenue marketing techniques and careful study of genuine protest
movements, the US Government had perfected techniques for 'democratically'
getting rid of any opponent, while convincing the world they were
brought down by spontaneous outbursts for freedom. In fact, the
'color revolutions' had been founded, guided and financed covertly
by the US Government via select NGOs."
"The goal of Washington
in Eurasia was not only the strategic encirclement of Russia through
a series of NATO bases, but the overarching goal of enabling NATO
to control energy routes and networks between Russia and the EU.
... The NATO encirclement of Russia, the Color Revolutions across
Eurasia, and the war in Iraq, were all aspects of one and the
same American geopolitical strategy: a grand strategy to de-construct
Russia once and for all as a potential rival to a sole US Superpower
"During the Cold War, US
control of Africa and its vast mineral wealth had relied on assassination
and civil wars which it covertly fuelled, or the cooperation of
brutal former colonial powers such as Britain, France or Belgium."
"US policy towards China's
economic emergence across Asia, Africa and beyond, incorporated
unexpected weapons of war - 'Human Rights' and 'Democracy' - a
21st Century version of the 1840 Opium Wars.
... The main US targets in the new 'Opium War' against China,
euphemistically termed 'promotion of democracy', were China's
vital sources of raw materials. Specifically, the US targeted
Myanmar, Sudan, and China itself - through the Dalai Lama organizations
in Tibet and the Falun Gong 'religious' sect inside China. To
accomplish their goal, the US clandestine intelligence services
turned to an arsenal of NGOs they had carefully built up, using
the battle cry of 'human rights violations' and weakening of 'democracy'."
"In 2000, Washington tested
a new political template in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. It signaled
a profound change in the course of US covert warfare. Unlike the
regime-change operations of the National Endowment for Democracy
(NED) in the Soviet Union, Poland, or China at the end of the
1980s, Washington had now perfected a more refined template that
targeted the very election process itself in countries where the
duly elected government opposed Washington's strategic agenda.
On the surface, the new template purported to call for supporting
a spontaneous and genuine grass roots democratic political 'movement'.
In reality, it was the product of CIA and Pentagon techniques
for removing 'uncooperative regimes'."
"Failing in its attempt
to pressure Sudan to break its ties with China, Washington turned
its guns on Khartoum directly. They launched a massive campaign
to save Darfur.
... Washington and its NGOs chargeed Khartoum with genocide, as
a pretext for bringing UN/NATO troops into the oil fields of Darfur
and southern Sudan. Oil, not human misery, was behind Washington's
new interest in Darfur."
"During the Vietnam War
the CIA and special units of the US military worked with the Meo
tribesmen in Laos to secure control over the heroin routes of
South East Asia. The CIA then used the drug revenues, laundered
through CIA banks, to finance other covert operations and intelligence
"The US power elites are
increasingly desperate to maintain their control of a global parasitical
empire, called deceptively by their media machine, 'globalization'.
To hold that dominance, it is essential that they be able to break
up any emerging cooperation in the economic, energy or military
realm between the two major powers of Eurasia that conceivably
could pose a challenge to future US sole Superpower control -
China and Russia."
"The Syrian White Helmets,
a so-called "first emergency responder" NGO, was a fake.
It was created by an ex-British military intelligence officer
and financed by the US government via the CIA-tied United States
Agency for International Development (USAID). White Helmets operators
were repeatedly exposed filming fake videos of sarin poison gas
victims, all aimed to build a case for war crimes and genocide
against al-Assad."
"The US success in removing
Serbia's president Slobodan Milosevic in 2000 proved to the US
State Department and intelligence community that their new model
for covert regime change via nonviolent coup d'états worked.
It seemed to be the ideal model for eliminating regimes opposed
to US policy. It did not matter if a regime had been popular or
democratically-elected. Any regime was potentially vulnerable
to the Pentagon's new methods of warfare."
"There never was a government
massacre of thousands of students at Tiananmen Square on June
4, 1989. It was a fiction manufactured by the US Ambassador to
China, the CIA, and their fake democracy apparatus.
The myth of the Tiananmen Square massacre was placed firmly in
the minds of the world public, fed by a CIA propaganda operation."
"In Syria, by 2017, after
more than six years, the war had created untold destruction of
Syria's cities, deaths into many hundreds of thousands, more than
6 million internally displaced within Syria, and almost 5 million
refugees outside of Syria, in Turkey, and across the EU."
"A network of CIA-linked
Western bankers, corrupt KGB generals, and their protégé,
Boris Yeltsin, set the stage for the wholesale theft of Russian
Federation state assets. It was called shock therapy, and it was
brought to Russia by George Soros.
The human cost of the US-imposed Russian shock was beyond belief.
Between 1991 and 1997, the Russian GDP - the value of all goods
and services that Russia produces - collapsed by 83 percent. Farm
production declined by a staggering 63 percent. Investment into
the economy decreased by 92 percent. More than 70,000 factories
were closed down. Those who still had work had their wages cut
in half. The average life span for men had been shortened by six
years. Alcoholism became epidemic as depression spread among the
population. It was a shock therapy indeed, the kind of shock a
country experiences only in a major war."
"The National Endowment
for Democracy (NED) and other 'fake democracy' NGOs worked together
to interfere in the internal affairs of countries around the globe,
topple unwanted governments, spend money for alternative media
opposed to the existing regime, train opposition leaders, and
commit other clear acts of interference. Yet because it was done
in the open, with no attempt to hide, when governments protested
US interference, they would be made to look 'antidemocratic' for
crying out against honest civilian NGOs merely 'promoting democracy'.
In reality, that democracy was a thinly disguised attempt by the
CIA and US State Department to eliminate unfriendly government
leaders and install US-friendly ones in their place. Democracy
had nothing to do with the task other than to give a highly effective
fig leaf to the CIA. It was fake democracy.
Beginning in the mid-1980s, the NED, along with the closely associated
organizations Freedom House and the Soros Foundation, were active
everywhere the CIA and State Department wanted a Washington-friendly
regime change. It soon became obvious it was no coincidence. The
'democracy' NGOs of Washington were the new template to do what
the CIA did, but privately, concealed from public view."
"Since the Bush-Cheney
Administration took office in January 2001, controlling the major
oil and natural gas fields of the world had been the primary,
though undeclared, priority of US foreign policy. Not only the
invasion of Iraq, but also the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan,
had nothing to do with 'democracy', and everything to do with
pipeline control across Central Asia and the militarization of
the Middle East."
"What has taken place since
the early 1980s has been a wealth transfer from the capital-starved
Third World, primarily into the financing of deficits in the United
States, and to a lesser degree Britain. During the 1980s, the
combined nations of the developing sector transferred a total
of $400 billion into the United States alone. This allowed the
Reagan administration to finance the largest peacetime deficits
in world history, while falsely claiming credit for 'the world's
longest peacetime recovery.
With high U.S. interest rates, a rising dollar, and the security
of American government backing, fully 43 per cent of the record
high U.S. budget deficits during the 1980s were 'financed' by
this de facto looting of capital from the debtor countries of
the once-developing sector. As with the Anglo-American bankers
in the post-First World War Versailles reparations debt process,
the debt was merely a vehicle to establish de facto economic control
over entire sovereign countries."
"After 1971, a White House
policy was initiated, under the effective control of Henry Kissinger,
to control the economies of the nations and to reduce their populations,
rather than to facilitate technology transfer and industrial growth.
The strategy was to force the price of the cartelized world oil
up by about a factor of four, recover the Arab oil receipts back
into the British and American central banks, and lend them to
the Third World to acquire control over those countries.
... The great bulk of the petro-dollars were repatriated in purchasing
U.S. government debt and in deposit accounts in Chase Manhattan,
Citibank, et al. From there they were loaned to the Third World,
which could not otherwise buy the fuel they needed to survive,
whence many of those countries became enslaved to the bankers,
and forced to follow their edicts on how to run their countries."

"War is not about flag-waving
and patriotism. War is about killing and death."
"There are always people
willing to commit unspeakable human atrocity in exchange for a
little power and privilege."
"We now live in a nation
where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities
destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys
information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the
"The corporations that
profit from permanent war need us to be afraid. Fear stops us
from objecting to government spending on a bloated military. Fear
means we will not ask unpleasant questions of those in power.
Fear permits the government to operate in secret. Fear means we
are willing to give up our rights and liberties for promises of
security. The imposition of fear ensures that the corporations
that wrecked the country cannot be challenged. Fear keeps us penned
in like livestock."
"The North American Free
Trade Agreement [NAFTA] was peddled by the Clinton White House
as an opportunity to raise the incomes and prosperity of the citizens
of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAFTA would also, we
were told, stanch Mexican immigration into the United States.
... But NAFTA, which took effect in 1994, had the effect of reversing
every one of Clinton's rosy predictions. Once the Mexican government
lifted price supports on corn and beans grown by Mexican farmers,
those farmers had to compete against the huge agribusinesses in
the United States. Many Mexican farmers were swiftly bankrupted.
At least 2 million Mexican farmers have been driven off their
land since 1994.
... NAFTA was great if you were a corporation. It was a disaster
if you were a worker.
... Bill Clinton's welfare reform bill, signed on August 22, 1996,
obliterated the nation's social safety net. It threw 6 million
people, many of them single mothers, off the welfare rolls within
three years. It dumped them onto the streets without child care,
rent subsidies, or continued Medicaid coverage.
... Clinton slashed Medicare by $115 billion over a five-year
period and cut $25 billion in Medicaid funding.
... The Clinton administration signed into law the Financial Services
Modernization Act of 1999, which ripped down the firewalls that
had been established by the 1933 GlassSteagall Act. Glass-Steagall
established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. It set
in place banking reforms to stop speculators from hijacking the
financial system. With Glass-Steagall demolished, and the passage
of NAFTA, the Democrats, led by Clinton, tumbled gleefully into
bed with corporations and Wall Street speculators."
"There are over 42 million
American adults, 20 percent of whom hold high school diplomas,
who cannot read, as well as the 50 million who read at a fourth-
or fifth-grade level. Nearly a third of the nation's population
is illiterate or barely literate... A third of high school graduates,
along with 42 percent of college graduates, never read a book
after they finish school. Eighty percent of the families in the
United States last year did not buy a book."
"Countries we seek to dominate,
from Indonesia and Guatemala to Iraq and Afghanistan, are intimately
familiar with American brutal mechanisms of control. But the reality
of empire rarely reaches the American public. The few atrocities
that come to light are dismissed as isolated aberrations. The
public is assured what has been uncovered will be investigated
and will not take place again. The goals of empire, we are told
by a subservient media and our ruling elites, are virtuous and
noble. And the vast killing machine grinds forward, feeding, as
it has always done, the swollen bank accounts of defense contractors
and corporations that exploit natural resources and cheap labor
around the globe."
"War in the end is always
about betrayal, betrayal of the young by the old, of soldiers
by politicians, and of idealists by cynics."
"Once democratic institutions
are hollowed out, despotism is inevitable. The press is shackled.
Corruption and theft take place on a massive scale. The rights
and needs of citizens are irrelevant. Dissent is criminalized.
Militarized police monitor, seize and detain Americans without
probable cause. The rituals of democracy become farce. This is
the road we are traveling. It is a road that leads to internal
collapse and tyranny, and we are very far down it."
"War, we have come to believe,
is a spectator sport. The military and the press have turned war
into a vast video arcade game. Its very essence - death - is hidden
from public view."
"The elites, lacking a
vision beyond satiating their own greed, revel in the intoxicating
power to destroy. They denigrate empathy, intellectual curiosity,
artistic expression and the common good, virtues that sustain
life. They celebrate a hyper-individualism embodied in celebrity,
wealth, hedonism, manipulation and the ability to dominate others.
They know nothing of the past. They do not think about the future.
Those around them are temporarily useful to their aims and must
be flattered and rewarded but in the end are ruthlessly cast aside.
There is no human connection."
"While we venerate and
mourn our own dead we are curiously indifferent about those we
kill. Thus killing is done in our name, killing that concerns
us little, while those who kill our own are seen as having crawled
out of the deepest recesses of the earth, lacking our own humanity
and goodness. Our dead. Their dead. They are not the same. Our
dead matter, theirs do not."
"The reason why most European
states and America live in such opulence and determine the fate
of so many others - we equip and train the most efficient killers
on the planet."
"All debates with the Christian
Right are useless. We cannot reach this movement. It does not
want a dialogue. It cares nothing for rational thought and discussion.
They hate us. They hate the liberal, enlightened world formed
by the Constitution. Our opinions do not count.
This movement will not stop until we are ruled by Biblical Law,
an authoritarian church intrudes in every aspect of our life,
women stay at home and rear children, gays agree to be cured,
abortion is considered murder, the press and the schools promote
"positive" Christian values, the federal government
is gutted, war becomes our primary form of communication with
the rest of the world and recalcitrant non-believers see their
flesh eviscerated at the sound of the Messiah's voice."
"Those who pay the price,
those who are maimed forever by war, are shunted aside, crumpled
up and thrown away. They are war's refuse. We do not want to see
them. We do not want to hear them. They are doomed, like wandering
spirits, to float around the edges of our consciousness, ignored,
even reviled. The message they bear from war is too painful for
us to absorb .... If we really knew war, what war does to minds
and bodies, it would be harder to wage. This is why the essence
of war, which is death and suffering, is so carefully hidden from
public view ... We taste a bit of war's exhilaration but are safe,
spared the pools of blood, the wailing of a dying child."
"Despots, despite their
proclaimed ideological, national and religious differences, speak
the same language. Amoral, devoid of empathy and addicted to power
and personal enrichment, they are building a world where all who
criticize them are silenced, where their populations are rendered
compliant by fear, constant surveillance and the loss of basic
liberties and where they and their corporate enablers are the
undisputed masters."
"The Gulf War made war
fashionable again. It was a cause the nation willingly embraced.
It gave us media-manufactured heroes and a heady pride in our
military superiority and technology. It made war fun. And the
blame, as in many conflicts, lay not with the military but the
Television reporters happily disseminated the spoon-fed images
that served the propaganda effort of the military and the state.
The notion that the press was used in the war is incorrect The
press wanted to be used. It saw itself as part of the war effort."
"There is little dispute
that we live in an oligarchic state. The wealthiest one percent
of America's families control 40 percent of the nation's wealth,
a statistic similar to what is seen globally: The wealthiest 1
percent of the world's population owns more than half of the world's
wealth. This wealth translates into political power.
Oligarchs accelerate social, political, cultural and economic
collapse. The unchecked plunder leads to systems breakdown. The
refusal to protect natural resources, or the economic engines
that sustain the state, means that poverty becomes the norm and
the natural world becomes a toxic wasteland. Basic institutions
no longer work. Infrastructure is no longer reliable. Water, air
and soil are poisoned. The population is left uneducated, untrained,
impoverished, oppressed by organs of internal security and beset
by despair. The state eventually goes bankrupt. Oligarchs respond
to this steady deterioration by forcing workers to do more for
less and launching self-destructive wars in the vain attempt to
restore a lost golden age. They also insist, no matter how bad
it gets, on maintaining their opulent and hedonistic lifestyles.
They further tax the resources of the state, the ecosystem and
the population with suicidal demands. They flee from the looming
chaos into their gated compounds, modern versions of Versailles
or the Forbidden City. They lose touch with reality. In the end,
they are overthrown or destroy the state itself. There is no institution
left in America that can be called democratic, and thus there
is no internal mechanism to prevent a descent into barbarity."

"U.S. Ieaders commit war
crimes as a matter of institutional necessity, as their imperial
role calls for keeping subordinate peoples in their proper place
and assuring a 'favorable climate of investment' everywhere."
"Paul Kagame is possibly
the greatest mass murderer alive today. The fact that Paul Kagame
continues to live and work freely in the world, unthreatened by
'international justice', celebrated as the Abe Lincoln of his
war-torn country in central Africa, and highly regarded and honored
in the United States, Britain, and Canada, shows us unambiguously
that when the events in Rwanda 1994 are at issue, things as fragile
as truth and historical clarity are only able to survive as exiles
from these powers."
"The United States' National
Security State represents and serves the interests of a tiny elite.
Its economic policies of 'trickling-up', enforced by the machine
gun, are rationalized on the ground that growth in the long run
will trickle down to the lower orders. This is a self-serving
ideology designed mainly to allow the western public to think
well of themselves and their own country."
"Among Latin American elites,
a peasant asking for a higher wage or a priest helping organize
a peasant cooperative is a communist. And someone going so far
as to suggest land reform or a more equitable tax system is a
communist fanatic. There is no word or act suggesting the desirability
of elite generosity toward the poor, or the need for education,
organization or material advance for the majority, that has not
been branded communistic in Latin America in recent decades. Since
communism is the enemy and peasants trying to improve themselves,
priests with the slightest humanistic proclivity, and naturally
anyone seriously challenging the status quo, are communists, they
are also, by definition, enemies."
"Human rights groups played
an ugly role in the mass killings in Rwanda. Major organizations
like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International as a matter
of policy ignore the crime of aggression and focus on war crimes
carried out in the wake of aggressions, as they did in the cases
of the U.S. attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq. This is very convenient
for the United States, given its prolific record of aggression
in recent decades."
"For the most part, Israel
is the subcontractor for American arms to the 'Third World'. There
is no terrible regime - Colombia, Guatemala, Uruguay, Argentina
and Chile during the time of the colonels, Burma, Taiwan, Zaire,
Liberia, Congo, Sierra Leone - there is not one that does not
have a major military connection to Israel. So, Israel is a key
member of the American empire."
"A UN report of October
2002 cited an estimate that "more than 3.5 million excess
deaths" had occurred in the DRCongo between August 1998 and
September 2002; the report concluded that "These deaths are
a direct result of the occupation by Rwanda and Uganda. A mortality
study published in January 2009 estimated the "excess death
toll in DR Congo since 1998 to be 5.4 million."
"There is a huge tacit
conspiracy between the U.S. government, its agencies and its multinational
corporations, on the one hand, and local business and military
cliques in the Third World, on the other, to assume complete control
of these countries and "develop" them on a joint venture
basis. The military leaders of the Third World were carefully
nurtured by the U.S. security establishment to serve as the "enforcers"
of this joint venture partnership, and they have been duly supplied
with machine guns and the latest data on methods of interrogation
of subversives."
"There is a system of terroristic
states - the real terror network - that has spread throughout
Latin America and elsewhere over the past several decades, and
which is deeply rooted in the corporate interest and sustaining
political-military-financial propaganda mechanisms of the United
States and its allies in the Free World."
"The United States has
given frequent and enthusiastic support to the overthrow of democracy
in favor of investor friendly regimes. The World Bank, IMF, and
private banks have consistently lavished huge sums on terror regimes,
following their displacement of democratic governments, and a
number of quantitative studies have shown a systematic positive
relationship between U.S. and IMF/World Bank aid to countries
and their violations of human rights."
"The immiseration of the
majority is an integral part of the Free World package for the
Third World, the unsavory aspects of the package - the terror,
the direct spoilation of people and resources, and western complicity
- must be rationalized and, as far as possible, kept under the
"The operative principles
dictating U.S. support and hostility in the Third World have been
business criteria first, military convenience second, and any
humanistic considerations third and thus effectively irrelevant.
In fact, they are less than irrelevant - they are in conflict
with the first two criteria, and therefore humanizing forces become
"Paul Kagame's toll of
victims, first in Rwanda and then in Zaire-DRC, runs into the
millions, and exceeds that of Idi Amin by a factor of at least
five. And yet, in one of the miracles of modern propaganda, Kagame
became a savior-modernizer-moral giant for the U.S., U.K., and
Canadian establishment to admire and exploit.This favorable portrayal
of Kagame flows from the fact that he served U.S. and other powerful
interests in the African Great Lakes region."
"As human rights conditions
deteriorate, factors affecting the 'climate of investment', like
the tax laws and labor repression, improve from the viewpoint
of the multinational corporation. This suggests an important line
of causation - military dictatorships tend to improve the investment
climate. The multinational corporate community and the U.S. government
are very sensitive to this factor. Military dictators enter into
a tacit joint venture arrangement with Free World leaders: They
will keep the masses quiet, maintain an open door to multinational
investment, and provide bases and otherwise serve as loyal clients.
In exchange, they will be aided and protected against their own
people, and allowed to loot public property."

"By 1995, the United States
was the source of 49 percent of global arms exports. It shipped
arms of various types to some 140 countries, 90 percent of which
were either not democracies or are human rights abusers.
By selling advanced weaponry throughout the world, American military
contractors not only weaken national security and squeeze taxpayers
at home, but also strengthen dictators and worsen human misery
"Even though it remains
a small, failed Communist regime that has no petroleum, North
Korea is a useful whipping boy for any number of interests in
Washington. If the military needs a post-Cold War opponent to
justify its existence, North Korea is less risky than China. Politicians
seek partisan advantage by claiming that others are 'soft' on
defending the country from 'rogue regimes'. And the arms lobby
has a direct interest in selling its products to each and every
nation in East Asia, regardless of its political orientation."
"The collapse of the Soviet
Union ended China's main usefulness to the United States as an
ally, while enhancing its new status as a possible long-term rival
to American hegemony. In the wake of the Cold War, with the Pentagon
intent on maintaining near Cold War levels of military spending,
enemies on the global horizon were much needed.
With the Soviet army increasingly seen as a disintegrating 'paper
tiger', China's economic emergence as a major power in the Pacific
offered one possible fit with the Pentagon's need for a major
"The IMF is essentially
a covert arm of the U.S. Treasury, yet beyond congressional oversight
because it is formally an international organization. Its voting
rules ensure that it is dominated by the United States and its
"Following the end of the
Cold War, the United States largely abandoned a reliance on diplomacy,
economic aid, international law, and multilateral institutions
in carrying out its foreign policies and resorted much of the
time to bluster, military force, and financial manipulation."
"There is ample evidence
that, when it comes to the freedom of women, education levels,
governmental services, relations among ethnic groups, and quality
of life - all were infinitely better under the Afghan communists
than under the Taliban or the present Afghan government."
"The military-industrial
complex warmly welcomed the wars against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan,
and Iraq as good for business. Actions just short of war, such
as bombings and missile strikes, are also giant bazaars for selling
the wares of the armaments manufacturers."
"The United States has
been busy arming opponents in ongoing conflicts - Iran and Iraq,
Greece and Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel, and China and Taiwan.
Saddam Hussein, the number one "rogue" leader of the
1990s, was during the 1980s an outstanding customer with an almost
limitless line of credit because of his country's oil reserves."
"Most Americans do not
recognize - or do not want to recognize - that the United States
dominates the world through its military power. Due to government
secrecy, they are often ignorant of the fact that their government
garrisons the globe. They do not realize that a vast network of
American military bases on every continent except Antarctica actually
constitutes a new form of empire."
"The growth of militarism,
official secrecy, and a belief that the United States is no longer
bound, as the Declaration of Independence so famously puts it,
by 'a decent respect for the opinions of mankind' is probably
irreversible. A revolution would be required to bring the Pentagon
back under democratic control, or to abolish the Central Intelligence
"At the beginning of the
twenty-first century, the United States's nuclear arsenal comprised
5,400 multiple-megaton warheads atop intercontinental ballistic
missiles based on land and at sea; an additional 1,750 nuclear
bombs and cruise missiles ready to be launched from B-2 and B-52
bombers; and a further 1,670 nuclear weapons classified as "tactical'
Not fully deployed but available are an additional 10,000 or so
nuclear warheads stored in bunkers around the United States."
"Israel has provided the
U.S. with sites in the Negev desert for military bases, now under
construction, which will be far less vulnerable to Muslim fundamentalists
than those in Saudi Arabia. These are officially nonexistent sites."
"There is no known case
in which globalization has led to prosperity in any Third World
country, and none of the world's twenty-four reasonably developed
capitalist nations, regardless of their ideological explanations,
got where they are by following any of the prescriptions contained
in globalization doctrine."
"The International Monetary
Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are actually surrogates for the
U.S. Treasury. Their voting rules ensure that they can do nothing
without the approval of the secretary of the Treasury."
"The total of America's
military bases in other people's countries in 2005 was 737. If
there were an honest count, the actual size of our military empire
would probably top 1,000 different bases overseas."
"As the CIA developed over
time, it was made clear to every president that he had at his
disposal a private army. It is totally secret. There is no form
of oversight. He can do anything he wants to with it. He could
order assassinations. He could order governments overthrown. He
could order economies subverted that seemed to get in our way.
He could instruct Latin American military officers in state terrorism.
He can carry out extraordinary renditions and order the torture
of people, despite the fact that it is a clear violation of American
law and carries the death penalty if the torture victim should
die, and they commonly do in the case of renditions to places
like Egypt."
"Clandestine activities
are kept totally secret from the American public, so that when
the retaliation does come, they're unable ever to put it in context,
to see it in cause-and-effect terms. They usually lash out against
the alleged perpetrators, usually simply inaugurating another
cycle of blowback."
"When Ronald Reagan coined
the phrase 'evil empire', he was referring to the Soviet Union.
But today, it is the U.S. that is widely perceived as an evil
"By 1990, the value of
the weapons, equipment, and factories devoted to the Department
of Defense was 83 percent of the value of all plants and equipment
in American manufacturing. Military industries crowd out the civilian
economy and lead to severe economic weaknesses - a form of slow
economic suicide.
"During the Gulf War of
1991 the United States dropped some ninety thousand tons of bombs
on Iraq in the space of forty-three days, intentionally destroying
the civilian infrastructure, including eighteen of twenty electricity-generating
plants and the water-pumping and sanitation systems."
"The CIA remains the main
executive-branch department in charge of overthrowing foreign
governments, promoting regimes of state terrorism, kidnapping
people of interest to the administration and sending them to friendly
foreign countries to be tortured and/or killed, assassination
and the torture of prisoners in violation of international and
domestic law, and numerous other actions that both the president
and the country in which they are executed want be able to deny."
"Institutional speculators
and international banks raped Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea
(1997) then turned the shivering survivors over to the IMF, not
to help victims, but to insure that no Western bank was stuck
with non-performing loans in the devastated countries."

"There isn't a single department
agency in the US government whose outside influence overwhelmingly
is not corporate. They control from the outside, they put their
representatives into government positions, funding the members
of Congress with their cash and 35,000 full-time lobbyists in
Washington. They are the government."
"We have corporate socialism
in this country where profits are kept and losses are socialized
on the back of the taxpayer."
"Corporations are artificial
entities. They're not real human beings. They don't vote. They
don't die in Iraq. They don't have children. They are entities
that are dominating our politics, our electoral systems, our universities,
and increasingly, dominating almost everything."
"By a vote of 5 to 4, the
U.S. Supreme Court [Citizens United, January 2010] gave carte
blanche to the world's largest corporations to spend unlimited
sums of money to support or oppose candidates for elected office.
... In the absence of a future court overturning 'Citizens United',
the fundamental response should be a constitutional amendment.
We must exclude all commercial corporations and other artificial
commercial entities from participating in political activities."
"James Madison and others
did not want anybody but Congress to deliberate and take our country
to war. They were adamant about this. Today, we have accepted,
as a people, that the president can go anywhere in the world,
with any troops, at any time, under any pretext. Period."
"One-third of America's
public lands, plus what is offshore, belongs to the people. We
own them. But the oil, gas, uranium and the gold and silver industries
control them. They take our resources for nothing or five bucks
an acre."
"The corporations have
weakened the labor movement. The two parties, under the influence
of corporate power, are converging. These corporations game the
electoral process. Money and politics is cleverly distributed.
They have deregulated the regulatory state. They are beginning
to block the courtroom door. All the countervailing forces, which
were built up in the late 19th century and the early 20th century
to curb corporate power, are powerless."
"In terms of foreign and
military policy, Barack Obama's policy is a distinct continuity
with Bush - Iraq, Afghanistan, the militarization of foreign policy,
the continued expansion of the Pentagon budget and pursuing more
globalized trade agreements are the same."
"America is a corporate-controlled
country with the symbols of democracy."
"The moment China, the
oil-rich states and other international investors stop buying
treasury bonds the dollar will become junk. Inflation will rocket
upward. We will become Weimar Germany. A furious and sustained
backlash by a betrayed and angry populace, one unprepared intellectually
and psychologically for collapse, will sweep aside the Democrats
and most of the Republicans. A cabal of proto-fascist misfits
who we naively dismiss as buffoons, will find a following with
promises of revenge and moral renewal. The elites, the ones with
their Harvard Business School degrees and expensive vocabularies,
will retreat into their sheltered enclaves of privilege and comfort.
We will be left bereft and abandoned outside the gates."
"A society that has more
justice is a society that needs less charity."
"When are we going to understand
that either the people are going to control our government or
we're going to cede control increasingly to global corporations
that have no allegiance to America, no allegiance to communities,
other than to control them or abandon them."
"TV stations are using
our property. We own the public airwaves. We're the landlords.
They're just tenants. And they use our property free. They don't
pay as much as you pay for your auto license. And they decide
who is on and who isn't on TV."
"Franklin Roosevelt warned
Congress in 1938 that when government is controlled by private
economic power, he called that fascism. And he would consider
today's control by private economic power - namely, giant corporations
astride the world - as an even more advanced form of what he called
fascism: control of government by corporate interests. The clinical
definition of "fascism" is when private concentrated
economic power takes government away from the people, turns government
into a guarantor, a subsidizer, a covering of corporate power.
And corporations now have their executives in high government
positions. They have 35,000 full-time lobbies here. And they have
10,000 political action committees."
"Third parties, which were
the first to raise the seminal issues of our past - from slavery
to abolition to the status of women, minorities, labor, and farmers
- are now deemed 'spoilers'."
"What good is freedom of
speech if nobody can afford it? Is speech truly free if only the
wealthy can buy it?"
"There is no reason why
patriotism has to be so heavily associated, in the minds of the
young as well as adults, with military exploits, jets and missiles.
Citizenship must include the duty to advance our ideals actively
into practice for a better community, country and world, if peace
is to prevail over war."
"We should tax things we
don't like. We should tax pollution. And we should lighten the
taxes on things we do like, like honest lobor, like food."
"Corporations have taken
over the government and turned it against its own people."

"Israel's policy, in the
last 60 years, stems from a racist hegemonic ideology called Zionism,
shielded by endless layers of righteous fury. Despite the predictable
accusation of anti-Semitism. it is time to associate in the public
mind the Zionist ideology with the by now familiar historical
landmarks of the land: the ethnic cleansing of 1948, the oppression
of the Palestinians in Israel during the days of the military
rule, the brutal occupation of the West Bank and now the massacre
of Gaza."
"On 9 April 1948, Jewish
forces occupied the village of Deir Yassin [Palestine]. As they
burst into the village, the Jewish soldiers sprayed the houses
with machine-gun fire, killing many of the inhabitants. The remaining
villagers were then gathered in one place and murdered in cold
blood, their bodies abused while a number of the women were raped
ad then killed."
"Self-righteousness is
a powerful act of self-denial and justification. It explains why
the Israeli Jewish society would not be moved by words of wisdom,
logical persuasion or diplomatic dialogue. And if one does not
want to endorse violence as the means of opposing it, there is
only one way forward: challenging head-on this righteousness as
an evil ideology meant to cover human atrocities. Another name
for this ideology is Zionism and an international rebuke for Zionism,
not just for particular Israeli policies, is the only way of countering
this self-righteousness. We have to try and explain not only to
the world, but also to the Israelis themselves, that Zionism is
an ideology that endorses ethnic cleansing, occupation and now
massive massacres. What is needed now is not just a condemnation
of the present massacre but also delegitimization of the ideology
that produced that policy and justifies it morally and politically."
"Challenging, by nonviolent
means, the self-righteous ideological state of Israel - that allows
itself, aided by a mute world, to dispossess and destroy the indigenous
people of Palestine - is a just and moral cause."
"Israeli Prime Minister
David Ben-Gurion with his aides (1946) began working on a general
strategy that could be implemented against the Palestinian population
the moment the British were gone (1948). This strategy became
Plan C.
Plan C aimed to prepare the military forces of the Jewish community
in Palestine for the offensive campaigns they would be engaged
in against rural and urban Palestine the moment the British were
gone. The purpose of such actions would be to 'deter' the Palestinian
population from attacking Jewish settlements, and to retaliate
for assaults on Jewish houses, roads and traffic. Plan C spelled
out clearly what punitive actions of this kind would entail:
Killing the Palestinian political leadership.
Killing Palestinian inciters and their financial supporters.
Killing Palestinians who acted against Jews.
Killing senior Palestinian officers and officials [in the Mandatory
system I.
Damaging Palestinian transportation.
Damaging the sources of Palestinian livelihoods: water wells,
mills, etc.
Attacking nearby Palestinian villages likely to assist in future
Attacking Palestinian clubs, coffee houses, meeting places, etc."

"Tallying only the death
toll inflicted by US. armed forces or U.S.-backed surrogate forces
around the world, the estimates are as follows: 3,000,000 in Vietnam,
1,000,000 in Cambodia, 1,000,000 in Mozambique, 500,000 to 1,000,000
in Indonesia, 600,000 in Angola, 300,000 in Laos, 250,000 in East
Timor, 200,000 in Iraq, 200,000 in Afghanistan, 150,000 in Guatemala,
100,000 in Nicaragua, 90,000 in El Salvador, and tens of thousands
in Chile, Argentina, Zaire, Iran (under the Shah), Colombia, Bolivia,
Brazil, Panama, Somalia, South Yemen, Western Sahara, and other
"The central organizing
principle of US foreign policy is to make the world safe for the
multinational corporations and the free-market capital-accumulation
The goal now, as always, is to obliterate every trace of an alternative
system, to make it clear that there is no road to take except
that of the free market."
"By the 1980s, U.S. policymakers
were rejecting the view that a more prosperous, economically independent
Third World would work to the interests of U.S. capitalism. Instead,
they sought to subordinate the economies of Third Word nations
by rolling back development programs and weakening the political
efficacy of their governments. The goal has been to create a world
free for maximizing profits irrespective of the human and environmental
One rollback weapon is the debt. Third World governments are burdened
with huge debts and desperately strapped for funds. In order to
meet payments and receive new credits from the U.S.dominated World
Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), these governments
have had to agree to heartless "structural adjustments;"
including reductions in social programs, cuts in wages, the elimination
of import controls, the removal of restrictions on foreign investments,
and the privatization of state enterprises."
"In the last decade, U.S.
forces or proxy mercenary forces wreaked massive death and destruction
upon Iraq, Mozambique, Angola, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala,
East Timor, Libya, and other countries. In the span of a few months,
President Clinton bombed four countries: Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq
repeatedly, and Yugoslavia massively. At the same time, the US
national security state was involved in proxy wars in Angola,
Mexico (Chiapas), Colombia, East Timor, and various other places.
And US forces occupied Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan,
and were deployed across the globe at some 300 major overseas
bases- all in the name of peace, democracy, national security,
counter-terrorism, and humanitarianism."
"Third World elites dread
socialism the way the rest of us might dread poverty and hunger.
So, when push comes to shove, the wealthy classes of Third World
countries, with a great deal of help from the corporate-military-political
elites in our country, will use fascism to preserve capitalism
while claiming they are saving democracy from communism."
"The enormous gap between
what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their
leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments
of the dominate political mythology."
"With unfailing consistancy,
U.S. intervention has been on the side of the rich and powerful
of various nations at the expense of the poor and needy. Rather
than strengthening democracies, U.S. leaders have overthrown numerous
democratically elected governments or other populist regimes in
dozens of countries, whenever these nations give evidence of putting
the interests of their people ahead of the interests of multinational
corporate interests."
"The United States invaded
Granada to serve notice to the people of the world that they cannot
drop out of the client-state free-market system. That, if they
use their land, their labor, their resources, their capital and
their markets to benefit the needs of their people rather than
to serve foreign investors, they will be punished."
"The real menace we face
today is global rollback. The goal of conservative rulers around
the world, led by those who occupy the seats of power in Washington,
is the systematic rollback of democratic gains, public services,
and common living standards around the world."
"Throughout history there
has been only one thing that ruling classes have ever wanted -
and that is everything: all the choice lands, forests, game, herds,
harvests, mineral deposits and precious metals of the earth; all
the wealth, riches, and profitable returns; all the productive
facilities, gainful inventiveness, and technologies; all the surplus
value produced by human labor; all the control positions of the
state and other major institutions; all public supports and subsidies,
privileges and immunities; all the protections of the law with
none of its constraints; all the services, comforts, luxuries,
and advantages of civil society with none of the taxes and costs.
Every ruling class has wanted only this: all the rewards and none
of the burdens."
"Structural adjustments
work wonderfully for the transnational corporations by depressing
wages, intensifying the level of exploitation, and boosting profit
rates. They also leave the economies and peoples of these various
countries measurably worse off."
"Yugoslavia's relatively
prosperous industrial base with an economy that was three-fourths
publicly owned, could no longer be tolerated to compete with western
capitalist production. Secession and war accomplished the goal
of breaking up Yugoslavia into small rightwing client states under
the economic domination of transnational corporations."
"The goal of US global
policy is the Third Worldization of the entire world including
Europe and North America, a world in which capital rules supreme
with no labor unions to speak of; no prosperous, literate, well-organized
working class with rising expectations; no pension funds or medical
plans or environmental, consumer, and occupational protections,
or any of the other insufferable things that cut into profits."
"The Third World is capitalism
at its best, at its freest, the place where it is least troubled
by labor unions, high wages, work benefits, occupational safety
regulations, consumer protections, environmental controls, costly
social benefits, public sector services, business taxes, and other
progressive taxes. For half a century, commentators have been
talking about bringing the prosperity of the Western world to
the Third World. What is overlooked is that the real goal has
been the other way around: to bring the Third World to the Western
world, rolling back the century of democratic gains won by working
people in North America and Europe."
"The real motives behind
most of U.S foreign policy as measured by the kinds of countries
U.S. Ieaders support and the kinds of countries or political movements
they try to destroy, is to keep the world safe for the Fortune
500 corporations. To make sure that the transnational corporations
and international global finance capital continues to control
the land, labor, resources, and markets of most of the world,
and ultimately, all of the world on terms that are extremely favorable
to them. The goal is to destroy, to obliterate, to thwart any
social movement or national leader who is trying for an alternative
way of using the land, the labor, the natural resources, the markets,
the capital of his or her country."
"Since World War II, the
U.S. government has given some hundreds of billions of dollars
in military aid to train, equip, and subsidize some millions of
troops and internal security forces in more than eighty countries,
the purpose being not to defend these nations from outside invasion,
but to protect ruling oligarchs and multinational corporate investors
from the dangers of domestic anti-capitalist insurgency."
"U.S. leaders profess a
dedication to democracy. Yet over the past five decades, democratically
elected reformist governments-guilty of introducing redistributive
economic programs-in Guatemala, Guyana, the Dominican Republic,
Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Syria, Indonesia (under Sukarno), Greece,
Cyprus, Argentina, Bolivia, Haiti, the Congo, and numerous other
nations- were overthrown by their respective military forces funded
and advised by the U.S.."
"Cuba's move away from
a free-market system dominated by U.S. firms and toward a not-for-profit
socialist economy caused it to become the target of an unremitting
series of attacks perpetrated by the U.S. national security state.
These attacks included U.S.-sponsored sabotage, espionage, terrorism,
hijackings, trade sanctions, embargo, and outright invasion. The
purpose behind this aggression was to undermine the Revolution
and deliver Cuba safely back to the tender mercies of global capitalism."
"United States' leaders
are not dedicated to advancing social justice and democracy in
the world. Their real dedication is to create a US-dominated free-market
globalism. Such a patriotism is better recognized by its real
name: imperialism."
"Upon taking the Philippines
from Spain in 1898, the US then fought a bloody three-year war
against Filipino rebels. In Luzon alone over 600,000 people were
killed by American troops or died from war-related diseases and
privations- as the war against the guerrillas became a war against
the people who supported the guerrillas. US General Arthur MacArthur
issued a proclamation renouncing "precise observance of the
laws of war." Among other things, MacArthur's troops tortured
and executed prisoners (civilians included), destroyed crops,
food stores, domestic animals, boats, and whole villages, and
forced tens of thousands of Filipinos into "relocation camps."
"Yugoslavia remained the
only nation in Europe that would not voluntarily discard what
remained of its socialism and install an unalloyed free-market
system. It also proudly had no interest in joining NATO. The US
goal has been to transform Yugoslavia into a Third World region,
a cluster of weak right-wing principalities"
"In El Salvador, a small
number of super-rich families control the bulk of its domestic
wealth, while most of its people live on subsistence diets and
have no access to medical care.
... Of the more than 60,000 Salvadorans killed in the war between
1979 and 1987, many thousands are believed to have been murdered
by rightwing death squads. Another 540,000 have fled into exile,
and another 250,000 have been displaced or forced into resettlement
camps within El Salvador, a country of only 4 million people.
The Salvadoran army massacred whole villages suspected of being
sympathetic to the guerrillas. On December 11, 1981, a US-trained
elite battalion killed more than 1,000 people in the village of
Mozote and some nearby hamlets."
"US policymakers use fascism
to protect capitalism, while claiming they are saving democracy
from Communism."
"Should popular forces
in U.S. client-state 'democracies' mobilize too successfully,
developing political parties, labor unions, and peasant organizations
that gain a real measure of power, there is a good chance that
the military, funded by the United States and waiting in the wings
to thwart the "Communist menace," will take over, suspend
the constitution, make the necessary arrests and executions, and
restore 'stability'."
"Cuban life expectancy
rose from fifty-five years in 1959 to seventy-three years by 1984.
Infant mortality has dropped to the lowest in Latin America, on
a par with developed countries. Cuba's per capita food consumption
is the second highest in Latin America. It has a free public-health
system. The literacy rate is over 95 percent, the highest in Latin
America and higher than in the USA; almost all children under
sixteen are attending school. In Cuba, the paint may be peeling
off some of the buildings, but unlike so many other Latin American
countries, there are no hungry children begging in the streets.
And this is why many progressive people look positively upon social
revolutions. The children are fed and the people are far better
off than in non-revolutionary Third World countries."
"The lands of Asia, Africa,
and Latin America have long produced great treasures of foods,
minerals, and other natural resources. That is why Europeans went
to so much trouble to steal and plunder them.
The Third World is rich, only its people are poor, and it is because
of the pillage they have endured."
"After years of colonialism,
the Third World country finds it extremely difficult to extricate
itself from the unequal relationship with its former colonizer
and impossible to depart from the global capitalist sphere. Those
countries that try to make a break are subjected to punishing
economic and military treatment by one or another major power,
usually the United States."
"A low-intensity war is
a proxy war, using the mercenary troops of the U.S.-backed Third
World government. With Washington providing military trainers
and advisers, superior firepower, surveillance and communications
assistance, and generous funds, these forces are able to persist
indefinitely, destroying a little at a time, with death squad
assassinations in the cities and villages."
"Capitalism is much more
comfortable with fascism than with social democracy."
"In Vietnam, the US. dropped
several times more tons of bombs than were used in all of World
War II by all sides.
In mid-June, 1994, the Vietnamese government announced that three
million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians had been killed in the
war, four million injured, two million made invalids."
"Almost from the beginning,
the CIA engaged not only in the collection of intelligence information,
but also in covert operations which involved rigging elections
and manipulating labor unions abroad, carrying on paramilitary
operations, overturning governments, assassinating foreign officials,
protecting former Nazis and lying to Congress."
"For the ruling interests,
it is time to return to nineteenth-century standards, the kind
that currently obtain throughout the Third World: an unorganized
working populace that toils for a bare subsistence; a mass of
unemployed, desperate poor who help to depress wages and serve
as a target for the misplaced resentment of those just above them;
a small, shrinking middle class that hangs on by its bleeding
fingers; and a tiny, obscenely rich owning class that has it all."
"On foreign affairs the
press' role as a cheerleader of the national security state and
free-market capitalism seems almost without restraint. Virtually
no favorable exposure has ever been given to indigenous Third
World revolutionary or reformist struggles or to protests at home
and abroad against U.S. overseas interventions. The media's view
of the world is much the same as the view from the State Department
and the Pentagon. The horrendous devastation wreaked upon the
presumed beneficiaries of U.S. power generally goes unmentioned
and unexplained, as do the massive human rights violations perpetrated
by U.S.-supported forces in dozens of free-market client states."
"The objective of U.S.
world domination is not just power for its own sake but power
to insure plutocratic control of the planet, power to privatize
and deregulate the economies of every nation in the world, to
hoist upon the backs of peoples everywhere - including the people
of North America - the blessings of an untrammeled 'free market'
corporate capitalism. The struggle is between those who belleve
that the land, labor, capital, technology, and markets of the
world should be dedicated to maximizing capital accumulation for
the few, and those who believe that these things should be used
for the communal benefit and socio-economic development of the

"Economic hit men (EHMs)
are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe
out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World
Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and
other foreign 'aid' organizations into the coffers of huge corporations
and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's
natural resources. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports,
rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play
a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying
dimensions during this time of globalization."
"Jaime Roldós, president
of Ecuador, and Omar Torrijos, president of Panama. Both died
in fiery crashes. Their deaths were not accidental. They were
assassinated because they opposed that fraternity of corporate,
government, and banking heads whose goal is global empire. We
EHMs failed to bring Roldós and Torrijos around, and the
other type of hit men, the CIA-sanctioned jackals who were always
right behind us, stepped in."
"The United States spends
over $87 billion conducting a war in Iraq, while the United Nations
estimates that for less than half that amount we could provide
clean water, adequate diets, sanitation services, and basic education
to every person on the planet."
"Ronald Reagan was a global
empire builder, a servant of the corporatocracy. He would cater
to the men who shuttled back and forth from corporate CEO offices
to bank boards and into the halls of government. He would serve
the men who appeared to serve him but who in fact ran the government
- men like Vice President George H. W. Bush, Secretary of State
George Shultz, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, Richard
Cheney, Richard Helms, and Robert McNamara. He would advocate
what those men wanted: an America that controlled the world and
all its resources, a world that answered to the commands of that
America, a U.S. military that would enforce the rules as they
were written by America, and an international trade and banking
system that supported America as CEO of the global empire."
"The United States supported
authoritarian regimes throughout Central and South America during
and after the Cold War in defense of its economic and political
In tiny Guatemala, the Central Intelligence Agency mounted a coup
overthrowing the democratically elected government in 1954, and
it backed subsequent rightwing governments against small leftist
rebel groups for four decades. Roughly 200,000 civilians died.
In Chile, a CIA-supported coup helped put Gen. Augusto Pinochet
in power from 1973 to 1990. In Peru, a fragile democratic government
is still unraveling the agency's role in a decade of support for
the now-deposed and disgraced president, Alberto K. Fujimori,
and his disreputable spy chief, Viadimiro Montesinos.
The United States had to invade Panama in 1989 to topple its narco-dictator,
Manuel A. Noriega, who, for almost 20 years, was a valued informant
for American intelligence. And the U.S. supported an armed opposition
against Nicaragua's leftists in the 1980s by any means necessary,
including selling arms to Iran for cash."
"In the 1970s the U.S.
worked out a deal whereby the House of Saud would reinvest petrodollars
in U.S. treasury securities.
Part of the agreement also was for Saudi Arabia to maintain the
price of oil at a level acceptable to us and we would agree to
keep the House of Saud in power."
"The U.S. has 5 percent
of the world's population and we're consuming more than 25 percent
of the world's resources. That's not a model that can be replicated.
What we are is a failure that is causing unheard of inequality
and environmental damage on a global scale. Ours is an empire
in the throes of collapse."
"The Group of Eight are
the wealthiest countries in the world, and basically they run
the world. And the leader is the United States, and it's actually
the corporations within these countries that run it. It's not
the governments, because, after all, the governments serve at
the pleasure of the corporations.
In our own country, the next two final presidential candidates,
Republican and Democrat alike, are going to each have to raise
something like half a billion dollars. And, that's going to come
from the people who own and run our big corporations. They are
totally beholden to the government. So the G8 really is this group
of countries that represent the biggest multinational corporations
in the world and really serve at their behest."
"Congo has coltan - every
cell phone and laptop computer has coltan in it. And several million
people in the last few years in the Congo have been killed over
coltan, because all of us in the G8 countries want to see our
computers inexpensive and our cell phones inexpensive. But in
order to do that, these people in the Congo are being enslaved.
The miners, the people mining coltan, they're being killed. There
are vast wars going on to provide us with cheap coltan."
"Most people look at Vietnam
and Iraq as defeats. But the corporations made a huge amount of
money off Vietnam, the military industry, huge corporations, the
construction companies. And, they're doing it in a very big way
in Iraq. So the corporatocracy, the people that are in fact insisting
that our young men and women continue to go to Iraq and fight,
they're making a tremendous amount of money. These are not failures
for them; they're successes from an economic standpoint"
"This empire that we've
created really has an emperor - the corporatocracy, which is a
group of men who run our biggest corporations. They are the equivalent
of the emperor, because they do not serve at the wish of the people,
they're not democratically elected, they don't serve any limited
term. They essentially answer to no one, except their own boards,
and most corporate CEOs actually run their boards, rather than
the other way around. And they are the power behind this."
"East Timor declared itself
independent from Portugal on November 28, 1975. Nine days later
Indonesia invaded. The brutal occupation forces slaughtered an
estimated 200,000 people, one third of the population of East
The U.S. government not only supplied the weapons used in the
massacre but also explicitly approved the invasion. According
to these records, President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger met with Suharto on December 6, 1975, and agreed
with his planned attack, which was launched the next day."
"During the 1970s, autocratic
governments in Latin America experimented with economic policies
that benefited U.S. investors and international corporations,
that generally ended in failure for local economies - recessions,
inflation, unemployment, and negative economic growth. Despite
mounting opposition, Washington praised the corrupt leaders who
were bankrupting their nations while amassing personal fortunes.
To make matters worse, the United States supported right-wing
dictators and their death squads in Guatemala, El Salvador, and
"Colombia has maintained
its position as Washington's surrogate. Shored up by massive U.S.
taxpayer assistance and armies of corporate-sponsored mercenaries,
as well as formal U.S. military support, it has become the keystone
in Washington's attempt's to regain regional domination. Although
official justification for U. S. involvement centers on drug wars,
this is a subterfuge for protecting oil interests against grassroots
opposition to foreign exploitation."
"The United States turned
the World Bank, the IMF, and other "multinational" institutions
into colonizing tools. We negotiated lucrative deals for U.S.
corporations, established "free" trade agreements that
blatantly served our exporters at the expense of those in the
Third World, and burdened other countries with unmanageable debts.
In effect, we created surrogate governments that appeared to represent
their people but in reality were our servants."
'With the Mossadegh overthrow
in Iran (1953), the United States served notice that it was not
a country to be trusted, not the defender of democracy we portrayed
ourselves to be, and that our aim was not to help the Third World.
We simply wanted to control resources.
"The corporatocracy thrives
on an economy that depends on manufacturing military equipment.
Our arms companies rank among the world's most profitable businesses."
"Congo's first elected
Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba was killed by Belgian- and U.S.-backed
forces because of his growing ties to the Soviet Union."
"Economic Hit Men (EHM)
are an elite group of men and women who utilize international
financial organizations to foment conditions that make other nations
subservient to the corporatocracy running our biggest corporations,
our government, and our banks.
... Despite the fact that the money is returned almost immediately
to corporations that are members of the corporatocracy (the creditor),
the recipient country is required to pay it all back, principal
plus interest. If an EHM is completely successful, the loans are
so large that the debtor is forced to default on its payments
after a few years. When this happens, then like the Mafia we demand
our pound of flesh. This often includes one or more of the following:
control over United Nations votes, the installation of military
bases, or access to precious resources such as oil or the Panama
Canal. Of course, the debtor still owes us the money - and another
country is added to our global empire."
"At the heart of Africa's
suffering, is the West's, and most notably the United States',
desire to access Africa's diamonds, oil, natural gas, and other
precious resources. The West has set in motion a policy of oppression,
destabilization and a ruthless desire to enrich itself on Africa's
fabulous wealth. Western countries have incited rebellion against
stable African governments, and have even actively participated
in the assassination of duly elected and legitimate African Heads
of State and replaced them with corrupted and malleable officials."
"The democratically elected
president of Honduras Manuel Zelaya, had called for a new constitution
to replace the old one that was really set up by the oligarchy
in favor of the very wealthy and the international companies.
He also called for a 60 percent increase in the bottom wage rate,
which had a huge impact on Dole and Chiquita, two of the biggest
employers in that company. They, along with a number of companies
that have sweatshops in Honduras, strongly objected, very much
the same way that they had objected to Aristide in Haiti, when
he did something similar, and called in the military. The general
in charge of the military was a graduate of our School of the
Americas, this school that's famous for creating dictators, and
they overthrew Zelaya. It was a classic CIA-sponsored type of
coup, very similar to what United Fruit had done in Guatemala
in the early '50s. And, of course, United Fruit became Chiquita."
"Since NAFTA came into
effect in 1994, U.S. exports to Mexico have almost doubled in
2002. NAFTA eliminated quotas limiting corn imports, but allowed
U.S. subsidy programs to remain in place-promoting dumping of
corn into Mexico by U.S. agribusiness at below the cost of production.
The price paid to farmers in Mexico for corn fell by over 70 percent."
"Economic Hit Men will
identify a third world country that has resources our corporations
covet, such as oil, and then we arrange a huge loan to that country
from the World Bank or one of its sister organizations. The money
never actually goes to the country. It goes instead to US corporations,
who build big infrastructure projects -- power grids, industrial
parks, harbors, highways -- things that benefit a few very rich
people but do not reach the poor at all. The poor aren't connected
to the power grids. They don't have the skills to get jobs in
industrial parks. But they and the whole country are left holding
this huge debt, and it's such a big debt that the country can't
possibly repay it. So at some point in time, we economic hit men
go back to the country and say, Sell your oil real cheap to our
oil companies. When we fail, which doesn't happen too often -
then the jackals step in and either overthrow the governments
or assassinate the leaders. If the jackals also fail, then and
only then does the military go in."
"Is anyone in the U.S.
innocent? Although those at the very pinnacle of the economic
pyramid gain the most, millions of us depend - either directly
or indirectly - on the exploitation of the LDCs [Less-Developed
Countries] for our livelihoods. The resources and cheap labor
that feed nearly all our businesses come from places like Indonesia,
and very little ever makes its way back. The loans of foreign
aid ensure that today's children and their grandchildren will
be held hostage. They will have to allow our corporations to ravage
their natural resources and will have to forego education, health,
and other social services merely to pay us back. The fact that
our own companies already received most this money to build the
power plants, airports, and industrial parks does not factor into
this formula. Does the excuse that most Americans are unaware
of this constitute innocence? Uninformed and intentionally misinformed,
yes - but innocent?"

"The U.S. has been the
undeclared enemy of social progress in Latin America for two centuries.
It doesn't matter who has been in the White House. The US will
not tolerate countries with governments and cultures that put
the needs of their own people first and refuse to promote or succumb
to U.S. demands and pressures."
"If development was measured
not by gross national product, but a society's success in meeting
the basic needs of its people, Vietnam would have been a model.
That was its real "threat." From the defeat of the French
at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 to 1972, primary and secondary school
enrollment in the North increased sevenfold, from 700,000 to almost
five million. In 1980, UNESCO estimated a literacy rate of 90
percent and school enrollment among the highest in Asia and throughout
the Third World."
"Washington is ruled by
true extremists, - the neocons. A few are outright fascists. Asserting
US dominance is their undisguised game and, as the events in Ukraine
demonstrate, they are prepared to risk a nuclear war with Russia.
These people should be the common enemy of all sane human beings."
"The Israelis have long
advised the Americans in both the Iraq and Afghanistan adventures.
Ethnic-cleansing, wall-building, checkpoints, collective punishment
and constant surveillance - these are claimed as Israeli innovations
that have succeeded in stealing most of Palestine from its native
"Washington wants to get
rid of the Venezuelan government because it is independent of
US designs for the region and because Venezuela has the greatest
proven oil reserves in the world and uses its oil revenue to improve
the quality of ordinary lives. Venezuela remains a source of inspiration
for social reform in a continent ravaged by an historically rapacious
"More than 40 years ago,
the Nixon-Kissinger bombing of Cambodia unleashed a torrent of
suffering from which that country has never recovered. However,
in the mainstream media, Kissinger is described as a key shaper
of a world order that remained stable for a quarter of a century.
Tell that to the people of Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Chile, East
Timor and all the other victims of his "statecraft".
Only when we recognise the war criminals in our midst will the
blood begin to dry."
"In Iraq, Americans destroyed
a multi-ethnic society. They bribed and built walls between communities
who had once inter-married, ethnically cleansing the Sunni and
driving millions out of the country. The embedded media reported
this as "peace", and American academics bought by Washington
and "security experts" briefed by the Pentagon appeared
on the BBC to spread the good news. The opposite was true."
"The United States has
no intention of getting out of Afghanistan. It is building one
of its fortress embassies in Kabul, Afghanistan, just as it is
building a $1 billion embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. Just as
it has built an enormous fortress in Baghdad, Iraq. Whatever happens
to American ground troops who eventually will be withdrawn, will
make no difference to the significance of the violent American
presence in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in Iraq. These are seen
as places where the United States will have a permanent presence
- a strategic position - where it will be able to monitor, and
perhaps influence, and perhaps control the influences of its imperial
"The United States' bombing
of Cambodia caused such widespread death and devastation that
it was critical in Pol Pot's drive for power. What Nixon and Kissinger
began, Pol Pot completed."
"The United States is waging
a largely unreported war on Latin America. Using proxies, Washington
aims to restore and reinforce the political control of a privileged
group calling itself middle-class, to shift the responsibility
for massacres and drug trafficking away from the psychotic regime
in Colombia and its mafiosi, and to extinguish hopes raised among
Latin America's impoverished majority by the reform governments
of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia."
"During the 1990s Bill
Clinton rained bombs on Iraq in what were euphemistically called
the 'no fly zones'. At the same time he imposed a medieval siege
called economic sanctions, killing perhaps a million people, including
a documented 500,000 children. Almost none of this carnage was
reported in the so-called mainstream media."
"During the 1980s, the
Third World sent to the West $220 billion more than was sent to
them in any form. At the current rates of interest, it is a mathematical
impossibility for most countries to pay off their debt. Many had
to agree to 'structural adjustment' by the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF). This has often meant the end
of protection for the old, young and sick and 'wage restraint'
in countries where the difference between wage and peonage is
"Vietnam was a war of rampant
technology directed against a Third World people. It was a war
in which the United States dispatched its greatest ever land army,
dropped the greatest tonnage of bombs in the history of warfare,
pursued a military strategy deliberately aimed at forcing millions
of people to abandon their homes and used chemicals in a manner
that profoundly changed the environment and genetic order. Some
two-and-a-half million people were killed, and many more maimed
and otherwise ruined."
"Cluster bombs are landmines.
The crucial difference from those banned under international treaty
is that they are dropped from aircraft. At the time of writing,
an estimated 70,000 American cluster 'bomblets' lie unexploded
in Afghanistan, already the most landmined country in the world.
This is the nature of the 'war against terrorism'."
"In Vietnam, Anti-personnel'
technology was deployed with impunity; the bombs which sprayed
needles into flesh and organs and were difficult to detect in
X-rays created little fuss. Although millions of gallons of Agent
Orange were dumped on Vietnam during the 1960s, the outcry about
its genetic and environmental effects came only as the war was
Death squads, which were expertly organised in Vietnam. An estimated
50,000 South Vietnamese were systematically murdered by assassins
working for the CIA's 'Phoenix Programme'."
"The United States and
its 'coalition' allies attacked Iraq in 1991. Up to a quarter
of a million people were killed or died during and immediately
after the attack. As a direct result, child mortality in Iraq
More than 1.8 million people have been forced from their homes,
and Iraq's electricity, water, sewage, communications, health,
agriculture and industrial infrastructure have been 'substantially
destroyed', producing 'conditions for famine and epidemics'."
"Thanks mostly to an invasion
by murderous 'Contra' squads, who were paid, armed and directed
by the CIA, Nicaragua has been returned to its status under the
Washington-sponsored Somoza dictatorship: that of the poorest,
most indebted country in Latin America. Gone are the literacy
programmes, the child mortality figures, the 'barefoot doctors',
the improving community schools, the agricultural co-operatives."
"Far from being the terrorists
of the world, the Islamic peoples have been its victims, principally
the victims of U.S. fundamentalism, whose power, in all its forms
- military, strategic, and economic - is the greatest source of
terrorism on Earth. People are neither still nor stupid. They
see their independence compromised, their resources and land and
the lives of their children taken away, and their accusing fingers
increasingly point north: to the great enclaves of plunder and
privilege. Inevitably, terror breeds terror and more fanaticism.
But how patient the oppressed have been. Their distant voices
of rage are now heard; the daily horrors in faraway brutalized
places have at last come home."

"In the half century since
the Korean War the United States has been involved in four major
wars in the Third World: in Vietnam (1961-1975), in the Persian
Gulf (1990-1991), in Colombia (1991-present), and in Afghanistan
(2001-2002).' All four wars were fought in or near significant
oil-producing areas. All four involved reliance on proxies who
were also major international drug traffickers. The American habit
of training, arming, and financing its drug-trafficking allies
in order to help secure oil resources abroad has been a major
factor in the huge increase in global illicit drug trafficking
since World War II."
"Over the long haul, since
World War II, oil interests have dictated the general disposition
of U.S. foreign policy."
"The United States, for
generations, has sustained two parallel but opposed states of
mind about military atrocities and human rights: one of U.S. benevolence,
generally held by the public, and the other of ends-justify-the-means
brutality sponsored by counterinsurgency specialists. Normally
the specialists carry out their actions in remote locations with
little notice in the national press. That allows the public to
sustain its faith in a just America, while hard-nosed security
and economic interests are still protected in secret."
"The long and sordid history
of CIA involvement with the Sicilian Mafia, the French Corsican
underworld, the heroin producers of Southeast Asia's Golden Triangle,
the marijuana- and cocaine-trafficking Cuban exiles of Miami,
and the opium smuggling mujaheddin of Afghanistan simply reinforces
the lesson of the Contra period: far from considering drug networks
their enemy, U.S. intelligence organizations have made them an
essential ally in the covert expansion of American influence abroad."
"From Iran in 1953 to Indonesia
in 1965 and Ghana in 1966 the CIA was involved in the covert overthrow
of governments around the world that had threatened to nationalize
their oil industries."
"Since the Korean War the
United States has been involved in four major wars in the Third
World: in Vietnam, in the Persian Gulf, in Colombia, and in Afghanistan.
All four wars were fought in or near significant oil-producing
areas. All four involved reliance on proxies who were also major
international drug traffickers. The American habit of training,
arming, and financing its drug-trafficking allies in order to
help secure oil resources abroad has been a major factor in the
huge increase in global illicit drug trafficking since World War
"Eighty percent of the
profits from drug trafficking ends up in the banks of the wealthy
countries or their branches in the underdeveloped countries where
there is weaker legal control."
"With the U.S. occupation
in Afghanistan, opium production, which the Taliban had nearly
eliminated for the single year of 2001, reached a new high of
five thousand six hundred tons in 2006."
"The U.S. overthrew the
democratically elected premier Mohammed Mossadeq and his government
in Iran in 1953. In doing so, the United States intervened to
rescue the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, a British company."
"In 1954, the United States
intervened in Guatemala against Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz
on behalf of United Fruit. Both of these interventions, in Iran
and Guatemala, were initially advocated within the Council on
Foreign Relations."
"Once in power Ronald Reagan,
his CIA director William Casey, and vice president George H. W.
Bush initiated emergency planning for suspension of the Constitution,
turning control of the government over to FEMA [the Federal Emergency
Management Agency], emergency appointment of military commanders
to run state and local governments and declaration of martial
law. The plan also gave FEMA, which had been involved in drafting
it, sweeping new powers, including the power 'to surveil political
dissenters and to arrange for the detention of hundreds of thousands
of undocumented aliens in case of an unspecified national emergency'."
"There is an underlying
triangle - U.S. purchases of Arab oil, U.S. sales of weapons to
Arab countries, and Arab investments in the United States, particularly
in Texas."
"In the 1970s, senior CIA
officers and ex-officers who were dissatisfied with the CIA cutbacks
instituted under Jimmy Carter's CIA director, Stansfield Turner,
organized an alternative network, the so-called "Safari Club."
Subordinated to intelligence chiefs from France, Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, Morocco and Iran (under the Shah), the Safari Club is
said to have been supplemented in Washington by a "private
intelligence network" consisting of CIA officers like Theodore
Shackley and Thomas Clines, who had been marginalized or fired
by CIA Director Turner. The purpose of the Safari Club was not
just to exchange information, but to conduct covert operations
that the CIA could no longer carry out directly in the wake of
the Watergate scandal and subsequent reforms."
"The Pinay Circle is an
international right-wing propaganda group which brings together
serving or retired intelligence officers and politicians with
links to right-wing intelligence factions from most of the countries
in Europe."
"Since World War II the
CIA has made systematic use of drug trafficking forces to increase
its covert influence - first in Thailand and Burma, then in Laos
and Vietnam, and most recently in Afghanistan. With America's
expansion overseas, we have seen more and more covert programs
and agencies, all using drug traffickers to different and opposing

former CIA case officer
"It is the function of
the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach
the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment
spend any amount of money on arms."
"Coming to grips with U.S./CIA
activities in broad numbers and figuring out how many people have
been killed in the jungles of Laos or the hills of Nicaragua is
very difficult. But, adding them up as best we can, we come up
with a figure of six million people killed (and this is a minimum
figure). Included are: one million killed in the Korean War, two
million killed in the Vietnam War, 800,000 killed in Indonesia,
one million in Cambodia, 20,000 killed in Angola ... and 22,000
killed in Nicaragua. These people would not have died if U.S.
tax dollars had not been spent by the CIA to inflame tensions,
finance covert political and military activities and destabilize
"It isn't only Gestapo
maniacs who do inhuman things to people. The CIA is responsible
for doing inhuman things on a massive scale to people all over
the world."
"At the end of World War
II, we were militarily dominant, economically dominant, and we
enjoyed a remarkable international credibility. With a modicum
of restraint and self-confidence we could have laid the foundations
of lasting world peace. Instead, we exaggerated the challenge
of a Soviet Union which had just lost 70,000 villages, 1,710 towns,
4.7 million houses, and 20 million people in the war."
"The so-called "defense"
corporations are multinational conglomerates that have no great
loyalty to the United States. They are in fact no longer U.S.
corporations but transnational entities loyal only to themselves."
"The major function of
secrecy in Washington is to keep the U.S. people from knowing
what the nation's leaders are doing."
"The United States is cast
in the role of Praetorian Guard, protecting the interests of the
global financial order against fractious elements in the Third
"The CIA had been running
thousands of operations over the years... there have been about
3,000 major covert operations and over 10,000 minor operations...
all designed to disrupt, destabilize, or modify the activities
of other countries... But they are all illegal and they all disrupt
the normal functioning, often the democratic functioning, of other
societies. They raise serious questions about the moral responsibility
of the United States in the international society of nations."
"The U.S. has over 200
incidents in which it have put our troops into other countries
to force them to our will."
"The Third World War is
a war that has been fought by the United States against the Third
World It began when the CIA was founded in 1947 and continues
today. As wars go, it has been the second or third most destructive
of human life in all of history, after World War I and World War
"Short, successful military
adventures are as effective as the Super Bowl in diverting people's
attention from unpleasant truths."
"Mounting numbers of victims,
the millions of people whose lives have been trampled or splattered
by CIA operations are increasingly cynical of America. Because
of the CIA the world is a more dangerous place. Americans have
reduced credibility. Worst of all, by retaining the CIA we are
accepting ourselves as a harsh and ruthless people."
"History is the history
of war, of leaders of countries finding reasons and rationales
to send the young people off to fight."
"Enemies are necessary
for the wheels of the US military machine to turn."

"America is today the leader
of a worldwide anti-revolutionary movement in the defense of vested
interests - supporting the rich against the poor."
"Today, U.S. soldiers who
are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan are not dying for their country;
they are dying for Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld. They are dying
for the greed of the oil cartels, for the expansion of the American
empire, for the political ambitions of the president. They are
dying to cover up the theft of the nation's wealth to pay for
the machines of death."
"In a civil war in Greece,
1947-49, the U.S. intervened on the side of the neofascists to
defeat the Greek left, who had fought the Germans in WWII."
"In Vietnam, we terrorized
peasant villages with bombing attacks using napalm and cluster
bombs. We supported dictators and death squads in Chile and El
Salvador, Guatemala and Haiti. In Iraq, more than 500,000 Children
died as a result of economic sanctions the United States insisted
"Throughout U.S. history,
our military has been used not for moral purposes but to expand
economic, political, and military power."
"Terrorism has replaced
Communism as the rationale for the militarization of the country,
for military adventures abroad, and for suppression of civil liberties
at home. It serves the same purpose, serving to create hysteria."
"We must face our long
history of ethnic cleansing, in which millions of Indians were
driven off their land by means of massacres and forced evacuations.
And our long history, still not behind us, of slavery, segregation,
and racism. We must face our record of imperial conquest, in the
Caribbean and in the Pacific, our shameful wars against small
countries a tenth our size: Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan,
Iraq. And the lingering memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is
not a history of which we can be proud."
"Henry Kissinger wrote
that the proposal to create an international court is a bad idea.
Well, naturally it's a bad idea, because he would be one of the
first people who would be up there on the witness stand trying
to explain his support for death squads and repressive governments
in Latin America, war crimes in Southeast Asia, and the apartheid
South African government."
"The United States has
consistently opposed the creation of an international war crimes
tribunal because it could be used against people in the U.S. government
and military. The United States wants to find other people who
have committed war crimes, but an American by definition cannot
commit a war crime."
"Here in the United States
the 'School of the Americas' at Fort Benning, Georgia, has trained
people who have engaged in terrorism, trained people who then
became organizers of death squads in Central America.
"The advantage of the strategy
of expanding and winning the war on terrorism, is that it gives
the government a perpetual war and a perpetual atmosphere of repression.
And it generates perpetual profits for corporations."
"There is a precise division
between who we bomb and who we don't bomb. The division has nothing
to do with which countries may be harboring terrorists. The division
has only to do with which countries we don't control yet. The
countries that we control, like Saudi Arabia, can harbor as many
terrorists as they want. We will look elsewhere."
"I don't think it's hard
to figure out why the United States is so concerned with the Middle
East. You can answer that question with one word: oil. At the
time of World War II, the U.S. government made the decision that
it was going to be the major power controlling the oil resources
of the Middle East."
"Fundamental change in
U.S. foreign policy is hardly to be expected. It would threaten
too many interests: the power of political leaders, the ambitions
of the military, the corporations that profit from the nation's
enormous military commitments."