"The CIA flew opium and
heroin all over Indochina to serve the personal and entrepreneurial
needs of the CIA's various military and political allies, ultimately
turning numerous GIs into addicts. The operation was not a paragon
of discretion. Heroin was refined in a laboratory located on the
site of CIA headquarters in northern Laos. After a decade of American
military intervention, Southeast Asia had become the source of
70 percent of the world's illicit opium and the major supplier
of raw materials for America's booming heroin market."
William Blum
"It seemed that everyone
knew what was going on in Laos, except for the American public.
And Americans didn't know about it because the media were willingly
keeping it secret."
Walter J. Smith, a U.S. Air Force
non-commissioned officer in Laos
"As a result of the expanded
and intensified bombing campaigns, it has been estimated that
as many as 350,000 civilians in Laos lost their lives."
Christopher Hitchins
"The U.S. military released
297 million cluster bomblets over Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
Thirty years later these bomblets continue to kill farmers in
their fields and children unfortunate enough to find a 'plaything'."
Robert Weitzel
"Between 1964 and 1973,
the US Air Force dropped 260 million cluster bombs on Laos, or
the equivalent of a fully-loaded B-52 bomber's payload dropped
every eight minutes for nine years."
"The Laos operation is
something of which we can be proud as Americans. It has involved
virtually no American casualties. What we are getting for our
money there is, I think, to use the old phrase, very cost effective."
U. Alexis Johnson, US Under Secretary
of State in 1971
about American carpet-bombing of Laos which killed hundreds-of-thousands
of civilians
"During the Vietnam War
the CIA and special units of the US military worked with the Meo
tribesmen in Laos to secure control over the heroin routes of
South East Asia. The CIA then used the drug revenues, laundered
through CIA banks to finance other covert operations and intelligence
F. William Engdahl
"From 1961 - 1971, dioxin-containing
defoliant Agent Orange was used, mainly in the South [Vietnam],
Cambodia and Laos. Millions of gallons were sprayed with devastating
consequences because dioxin is one of the most toxic known substances,
a potent carcinogenic human immune system suppressant. It causes
congenital disorders and birth defects, and contributes to diseases
like cancer and diabetes.
In 1970, U.S, Operation Tailwind used sarin nerve gas in Laos."
Stephen Lendman
"Air America re-supplied
the CIA-created Meo [Hmong] Army in Laos, which fought a proxy
war for the US against the communist Pathet Lao, who had overrun
the Plain of Jars region in 1964. Air America ferried weapons
into remote Meo villages, then returned to its base at Long Tieng
loaded with opium grown by the villagers."
Dean Henderson
"A blueprint for American
strategy in the War on Terror was the 1959-1975 secret war in
Laos, where the CIA worked with hundreds of civilian contractors
who flew spotter aircraft, ran ground bases and operated radar
stations in civilian clothes while raising its own private army
among the Hmong to fight the pro-communist Pathet Lao."
Jeremy Kuzmarov
"From 1964 to 1973, the
United States flew 580,000 bombing missions over Laos. The ostensible
targets were Vietnamese communist troops and Pathet Lao forces.
In practice, however, the targets were anything that moved.
A third of the bombs dropped on Laos failed to explode on impact,
thus becoming UXO. Some of the most harmful munitions were cluster
bombs, which were dropped inside casings meant to open in mid-air
and spread the "bomblets" over a wide area. About 80
million cluster bombs didn't detonate; less than one percent of
all UXO has been cleared.
Unexploded ordnance is just one legacy of intensive American bombing
of Laos when the United States dropped two million tons of bombs
on the country - more than twelve times the amount of bombs dropped
on Japan during World War II. Laos is, per capita, the most heavily
bombed country on Earth.
Is the United States doing anything to help clean up the bombs
it dropped and assist the victims of its atrocities? Hardly. To
date, the US has allocated $85 million to help get rid of the
UXO - nowhere near the amount required and a pathetic figure compared
to the $18 million (inflation-adjusted) the United States spent
per day bombing Laos."
Brett S. Morris
"The CIA was running the
Golden Triangle narcotics business during the Vietnam War. The
heroin being sold to American soldiers in Vietnam was coming from
the CIA's clients in Laos. The CIA was protecting the major opium
producers in the Golden Triangle, just like they've been protecting
the major drug dealers in Afghanistan for the last fifteen years."
Douglas Valentine
"John Foster and Allen
Dulles backed a series of covert operations against two of East
Asia's most prominent neutralists, Prince Norodom Sihanouk of
Cambodia and Prince Souvanna Phouma of Laos."
Stephen Kinzer
"Coups do not happen in
Latin America without the support of those with power in the US."
Bill Quigley and Laura Raymond,
"After World War II, in
the name of containing Communism, the United States, mostly through
the actions of local allies, executed or encouraged coups in,
among other places, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina
and patronized a brutal mercenary war in Nicaragua. By the end
of the Cold War, Latin American security forces trained, funded,
equipped, and incited by Washington had executed a reign of bloody
terror - hundreds of thousands killed, an equal number tortured,
millions driven into exile-from which the region has yet to fully
Greg Grandin in his book "Empire's
"The U.S. has been the
undeclared enemy of social progress in Latin America for two centuries.
It doesn't matter who has been in the White House. The US will
not tolerate countries with governments and cultures that put
the needs of their own people first and refuse to promote or succumb
to U.S. demands and pressures."
John Pilger
"The trigger for military
coups in Latin America were fears of popular demands for social
reform and democratic change."
J. Patrice McSherry in the book
"Predatory States"
"The Americans who engineered
countless military coups, death squads and massacres in Latin
America never paid for their crimes - instead they got promoted
and they're now running the 'War on Terror".
Naomi Klein
Here in the United States the
'School of the Americas' at Fort Benning, Georgia, has trained
people who have engaged in terrorism, trained people who then
became organizers of death squads in Central America.
Howard Zinn
"The United States supported
authoritarian regimes throughout Central and South America during
and after the Cold War in defense of its economic and political
In tiny Guatemala, the Central Intelligence Agency mounted a coup
overthrowing the democratically elected government in 1954, and
it backed subsequent rightwing governments against small leftist
rebel groups for four decades. Roughly 200,000 civilians died.
In Chile, a CIA-supported coup helped put General Augusto Pinochet
in power from 1973 to 1990.
In Peru, a fragile democratic government is still unraveling the
agency's role in a decade of support for the now-deposed and disgraced
president, Alberto K. Fujimori.
The United States had to invade Panama in 1989 to topple its narco-dictator,
Manuel A. Noriega, who, for almost 20 years, was a valued informant
for American intelligence."
John Perkins in his book "Confessions
of Economic Hit Man"
"Among Latin American elites,
a peasant asking for a higher wage or a priest helping organize
a peasant cooperative is a communist. And someone going so far
as to suggest land reform or a more equitable tax system is a
communist fanatic. There is no word or act suggesting the desirability
of elite generosity toward the poor, or the need for education,
organization or material advance for the majority, that has not
been branded communistic in Latin America in recent decades. Since
communism is the enemy and peasants trying to improve themselves,
priests with the slightest humanistic proclivity, and naturally
anyone seriously challenging the status quo, are communists, they
are also, by definition, enemies."
F. William Engdahl
"Whenever a progressive
government comes to power in Latin America or threatens to do
so, a government sincerely committed to fighting poverty, the
United States helps to suppress the movement and/or supports the
country's right-wing and military in staging a coup."
William Blum
"There is a system of terroristic
states - the real terror network - that has spread throughout
Latin America and elsewhere over the past several decades, and
which is deeply rooted in the corporate interest and sustaining
political-military-financial propaganda mechanisms of the United
States and its allies in the Free World."
Edward S. Herman
"I spent thirty-three years
and four months in active military service as a member of this
country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served
in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major General.
And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class
muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers.
In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am
sure of it.
I helped make Honduras 'right' for American fruit companies in
1903. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American
oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place
for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped
in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the
benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I
helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of
Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. 1 brought light to the Dominican
Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped
to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would
say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have
given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate
his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."
Marine General Smedley Butler
" It was under Johnson
that Washington began either to organize or patronize a cycle
of coups starting in Brazil in 1964, continuing through Uruguay,
Bolivia, and Chile, and ending in Argentina in 1976."
Greg Grandin in his book "Empire's
"The United States is waging
a largely unreported war on Latin America. Using proxies, Washington
aims to restore and reinforce the political control of a privileged
group calling itself middle-class, to shift the responsibility
for massacres and drug trafficking away from the psychotic regime
in Colombia and its mafiosi, and to extinguish hopes raised among
Latin America's impoverished majority by the reform governments
of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia."
John Pilger
"We Latin Americans need
the United States as much as we need arsenic, and that is the
fact. We don't need it. We would need it, if they wanted to join
the rest of humanity and together work for a better future for
all of us, but they are not doing that. They have instilled, a
culture of death, of greed, of selfishness. And this is killing
the world."
former UN General Assembly President
Miguel d'Escoto
"During the 1970s, autocratic
governments in Latin America experimented with economic policies
that benefited U.S. investors and international corporations,
that generally ended in failure for local economies - recessions,
inflation, unemployment, and negative economic growth. Despite
mounting opposition, Washington praised the corrupt leaders who
were bankrupting their nations while amassing personal fortunes.
To make matters worse, the United States supported right-wing
dictators and their death squads in Guatemala, El Salvador, and
John Perkins
"The 1980s became known
as the "lost decade" in Latin America, something many
have attributed in part to the Reagan Administration's policies
toward the region. During this period, structural adjustment loans
plunged regional economies and living standards into a downward
spiral from which many countries have yet to recover. The 1980s
were plagued by violence; US funded government security forces
in Guatemala and El Salvador prosecuted dirty wars which resulted
in the disappearance, torture, and massacre of thousands of the
countries' own citizens."
Sarah Hamburger
"The total number of civilians
killed, wounded, made homeless and impoverished by U.S. leaders
or local regimes owing their power to the United States - in Indochina
and Iraq, Mexico, El Salvador, Israel/Palestine, the Dominican
Republic, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Egypt, Iran, South Africa,
Chile, East Timor, Haiti, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia,
Venezuela, Cuba, Jamaica, the Philippines and Indonesia - is in
the tens of millions."
Noam Chomsky
"In Paraguay, 2 percent of
the population owns 70 percent of the land."
Marie-Monique Robin in the book
"The World According to Monsanto"
"In our own hemisphere,
dictators and oligarchs fronting for American corporations were
put in power and maintained often by the most brutal state terroristic
acts, including the use of death and torture squads in the Dominican
Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Haiti, Chile, Bolivia,
Argentina and Uruguay."
William F. Pepper in his book
"An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"
"During the Cold war, highly politicized and ruthless
militaries in Latin America, aided and abetted by Washington,
used the methods of terror to wage their anticommunist wars in
secrecy. Counterinsurgent forces created a vast parallel infrastructure
of clandestine detention centers and killing machinery to avoid
national and international law and scrutiny, and utilized disappearance,
torture, and assassination to defeat "internal enemies."
... Six military states in South America extended ... parastatal
structures and extralegal methods across borders - with a "green
light" from the U.S. government - in a transnational repressive
program known as Operation Condor (or Plan Condor). The militaries
in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay were
the key protagonists of Condor, spreading dirty war throughout
the region and beyond. For them, the ends justified the means;
torture, extrajudicial executions, and abductions were considered
legitimate if employed against "subversives." During
the Cold War, tens of thousands of Latin American men, women,
and children were tortured and murdered as a result of such methods,
hundreds of them killed within the framework of Operation Condor."
J. Patrice McSherry in the book
"Predatory States"
"It is common knowledge
in the United States and throughout the world that the power ruling
the "banana republics" of Central America is and has
been the United Fruit Company - United Brands. It is no exaggeration
to say that every coup that has taken place in the region was
backed by the fruit company, which ran the nations of Central
America mercilessly as slave-labor plantations. In 1932, a coup
in El Salvador-with United Fruit sponsorship-exterminated 300,000
peasants who had risen up in revolt against the conditions in
which they were forced to live. For forty years, the United Fruit
Company stood behind the regime of Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua."
DOPE, INC., Executive Intelligence
Review, 1992
"Throughout history,
Chiquita banana has had enormous sway and power over Central American
nations. And we know that prior to the coup d'état in Honduras,
Chiquita was very unhappy about President Zelaya's minimum wage
decrees, because they said that this would cut into their profits
and make it more expensive for them to export bananas and pineapple.
... Throughout the twentieth century, Chiquita, formerly known
as United Fruit, was associated with some of the most backward,
retrograde political and economic forces in Central America and
indeed outside of Central America in such countries as Colombia.
And we know that United Fruit Company played a very prominent
role in the coup d'état against democratically elected
President Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954. And that ushered
in a very turbulent period in Guatemalan history, rampant human
rights abuses, genocide against the indigenous people of Guatemala."
Nikolas Kozloff, 2009
quotes below are from
Penny Lernoux's book "Cry of the People"]
"Most of the techniques
of counterinsurgency, such as intelligence gathering, police work,
[and] propaganda have been turned against the civilian population
of Latin America.
... Many of the victims of this repression charge, with good reason,
that the nation that led the fight against fascism in Europe has
contributed to its resurrection in Latin America.
That this could happen is due in large part to the United States'
historically contemptuous attitude toward Latin America, which
it has always looked upon as a purely business venture. Whereas
the atrocities committed by Hitler and Mussolini outraged the
American people, similar repression in Latin America elicits little
more than a yawn."
"All the Latin-American
Presidents overthrown with U.S. help in recent years represented
constituted governments: Arbenz in Guatemala (1954), Goulart in
Brazil (1964), Allende in Chile (1973). It mattered not whether
the perceived threat was a democratically elected government or
a guerrilla group; it was a dangerous precedent to be eliminated
by military force."
"After reading case after
nauseating case of the atrocities committed in the name of national
security, and after recognizing the United States' involvement
in the creation of military, police, and paramilitary agencies
responsible for these horrors in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala,
Brazil, Chile, Bolivia-seventeen Latin-American countries in all
- one comes to the conclusion either that the Americans who helped
to establish and run these military and police training programs
were deranged or that they never considered the predictable results
of their work-possibly didn't want to consider them."
"Whether the country is
Brazil or Guatemala, more or less industrialized, in South or
Central America, the statistics are always the same: a tiny minority,
usually 1 to 4 percent of the population, owns the majority of
the arable land and takes an overwhelming share of the nation's
agricultural and industrial wealth. The great majority, in the
slums or impoverished rural villages, owns little or no land,
is undernourished, illiterate or semiliterate, and unemployed
or underemployed."
"The Argentina dictatorship,
unlike Brazil, was dressed up with military doctrines and economic
miracles, Argentina in the late 1970s was a land of sheer, open
terror. Nothing in Latin America, not even Pinochet's Chile, could
equal the levels of violence that followed the military coup of
March 1976. Indeed, the only regime to create a state of fear
approximating that in Argentina was Hitler's Germany."
"A reign of terror has
converted South America into a giant concentration camp with some
thirty thousand political prisoners, and thousands more murdered
or exiled.
In previous times of military dictatorship, there was at least
somewhere to hide. Argentines could find safety in Uruguay; Bolivians
and Brazilians could flee to Chile. But now, when all these countries
are marching in step, with a central pool of computerized data
on political exiles and open collaboration among the region's
secret police, repression is standardized and ubiquitous.
Brazilian military officers taught Chile's secret police the techniques
of modern torture in the weeks following the 1973 coup."
"The more industrially
advanced the country, the more sophisticated the form of torture
and death: in Ecuador, a horse bridle, in Honduras, a bread oven;
in Brazil, computerized terror, truth serum, and electric shock.
So systematized is torture that it has become a way of life in
many Latin-American countries."
"A latent force in several
of the most important South-American countries, fascism - particularly
Mussolini's corporate state-had long attracted certain military
and civilian sectors. During the 1930s it was also popular within
an influential wing of the Catholic Church because of its virulent
anti-communism and emphasis on "God, Fatherland, and Family."
Called "integralism" in South America, this creole brand
of European fascism made its greatest impact on Argentina, although
the Brazilian populist dictator Getulio Vargas (president 1930-45,
1951-S4) also flirted with integralism, especially after 1937,
when he seized total power and established his Estado Novo. Chile
and Paraguay were also influenced by fascism."
"Because of Peron's lasting
influence, fascism never died in Argentina and could be revived
with little or no outside prompting. In Brazil it was reborn thanks
largely to Brazil's "greatest friend," the United States.
"80 percent of the officers
who carried out the 1964 coup against Brazilian President Goulart
had been trained by the United States."
"3 percent of the landowners
in Brazil control 80 percent of the arable land, and the multinational
corporations are establishing ranches of 500,000 acres and more
in the Amazon."
"The "institutionalization"
of violence in Brazil was rationalized by both Washington and
corporate industry as an unpleasant but necessary corollary of
development, the theory being that only a strong government could
drag Brazil into the twentieth century. As long as Brazil's gross
national product could show a reasonable growth, and as long as
the regime's representatives spoke piously about human rights
and democracy in international forums, the rest of the world would
look the other way."
"The Libyan revolution
was portrayed as an extension of the Arab Spring, and NATO involvement
was framed in humanitarian terms.
The fact that the CIA was actively working to help the Libyan
rebels topple Gaddafi was no secret, nor were the airstrikes that
Obama ordered against the Libyan government. However, little was
said about the identity or the ideological leanings of these Libyan
rebels. Not surprising, considering the fact that the leader of
the Libyan rebels later admitted that his fighters included Al-Qaeda
linked jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq.
... After Gaddafi was overthrown, the Libyan armories were looted,
and massive quantities of weapons were sent by the Libyan rebels
to Syria. The weapons, which included anti-tank and anti-aircraft
missiles were smuggled into Syria through Turkey, a NATO ally."
scgnews.com, 2014
"Libya was once one of
the most prosperous nations in Africa, former Libyan leader Muammar
Gaddafi made the "mistake" of challenging the U.S. petrodollar
system by creating a gold-backed pan-African currency known as
the dinar. Following his ouster, Libya was transformed into a
failed state where there is still no clear government, terrorism
runs rampant and slaves are now openly traded in public."
Nicolas JS Davies, 2018
"As of 2006, Libya had
the largest proven oil reserves in Africa, some 35%, larger even
than Nigeria."
F. William Engdahl, 2014
"The rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) did not happen overnight,
nor by accident. It was the logical result of the United States
continuing its strategy of proxy warfare it had carried out against
Tony Cartalucci
"It is estimated that 250,000
Libyans were killed in the war, violence and subsequent chaos
that the U.S. and its allies unleashed in Libya in February 2011,
and which continues to the present day. The maximum estimate of
all deaths is 360,000."
Nicolas JS Davies, 2018
"The use of social media to control a targeted nation's
information space, and use it as a means of carrying out sociopolitical
subversion and even regime change reached its pinnacle in 2011
during the US-engineered "Arab Spring."
Portrayed at first as spontaneous demonstrations organized organically
over Facebook and other social media platforms, it is now revealed
in articles like the New York Times', "U.S. Groups Helped
Nurture Arab Uprisings," that the US government had trained
activists years ahead of the protests, with Google and Facebook
participating directly in making preparations.
Opposition fronts funded and supported by the US State Department's
National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and its subsidiaries Freedom
House, International Republican Institute (IRI), and National
Democratic Institute (NDI) were invited to several summits where
executives and technical support teams from Google and Facebook
provided them with the game plans they would execute in 2011 in
coordination with US and European media who also attended the
The end result was the virtual weaponization of social media,
serving as cover for what was a long-planned, regional series
of coups including heavily armed militants who eventually overthrew
the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen, with Syria
now locked in 6 years of war as a result."
Tony Cartalucci, 2017
"In the wars in Iraq, Libya,
Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and Syria, America has destroyed any
significant progress those nations had made in education, healthcare,
infrastructure such as water treatment and electricity, postal
services, courts. By degrading the standards of living for people
in perceived "hostile" nations, America's ruling elite
empowers itself, while claiming that it has ensured the safety
and prestige of the American people. Sometimes it is even able
to convince the public that its criminal actions are "humanitarian"
and designed to liberate the people in nations it destroys."
Douglas Valentine, 2017
"Over 100 people died in
Paris (November 2015). While thousands are dying in Yemen, every
month... While 17,000 already vanished in Iran - victims of West-sponsored
terrorism... While hundreds of thousands have been dying in Libya
and Syria... While millions have been dying in Somalia and Iraq...
While some 10 millions already died in a looted and raped DRC
(the Democratic Republic of Congo) ... All of them victims of
Western assaults and banditry or of Western-sponsored terrorism
Andre Vltchek, 2015
"Since the Bush-Cheney
Administration took office in January 2001, controlling the major
oil and natural gas fields of the world had been the primary,
though undeclared, priority of US foreign policy. Not only the
invasion of Iraq, but also the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan,
had nothing to do with 'democracy', and everything to do with
pipeline control across Central Asia and the militarization of
the Middle East."
F. William Engdahl
"Each of Barack Obama's
relentless military interventions, including Libya , Somalia ,
Yemen , Iraq , Afghanistan and especially Syria, were characterized
by the deliberate and total destruction of the means of normal
civilized social existence for defenseless civilians - the bombing
of homes, factories, markets, weddings, funerals, schools, hospitals
- leading to the deaths of many thousands and the uprooting of
millions into desperate flight. In each case, Obama would proclaim
that he was saving the victims from imminent genocide by an abusive
ruler or ethnic group."
James Petras
"Since 9/11, the United
States has used cluster bombs in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen.
The US has also exported cluster bombs to numerous countries,
including Saudi Arabia, which used them to attack Yemen in 2015."
Brett S. Morris , 2015
"By one estimate, as many
as four million Muslims have died or been killed as a result of
the ongoing conflicts that Washington has either initiated or
been party to since 2001.
There are, in addition, millions of displaced persons who have
lost their homes and livelihoods, many of whom are among the human
wave currently engulfing Europe.
There are currently an estimated 2,590,000 refugees who have fled
their homes from Afghanistan, 370,000 from Iraq, 3,880,000 million
from Syria, and 1,100,000 from Somalia. The United Nations Refugee
Agency is expecting at least 130,000 refugees from Yemen as fighting
in that country accelerates. Between 600,000 and one million Libyans
are living precariously in neighboring Tunisia.
... Significantly, the countries that have generated most of the
refugees are all places where the United States has invaded, overthrown
governments, supported insurgencies, or intervened in a civil
Philip Giraldi, 2015
"The Middle East is center
of the world's energy resources. It's been an axiom of U.S. foreign
policy that it must control Middle East energy resources. It is
not a matter of access. The issue has always been control. Control
is the source of strategic power."
Noam Chomsky
"I don't think it's hard
to figure out why the United States is so concerned with the Middle
East. You can answer that question with one word: oil. At the
time of World War II, the U.S. government made the decision that
it was going to be the major power controlling the oil resources
of the Middle East."
Howard Zinn
"There is an underlying
triangle - U.S. purchases of Arab oil, U.S. sales of weapons to
Arab countries, and Arab investments in the United States, particularly
in Texas."
Peter Dale Scott
"The goal of the American
elite is to make Syria, and then Iran, and then Russia join the
ranks of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq. The plan
is to smash it into ethnic and religious lines, and to fuel fighting
between these groups for many years."
Douglas Valentine, 2017
"The "war on terror"
was a hoax. Americans were deceived by policymakers, who are pursuing
a hegemonic agenda.
... The consequences for peoples in Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan,
Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, Palestine, and Ukraine have been
massive deaths and dislocations, infrastructure destruction, internal
conflicts, birth defects, invasions, bombings, drones. Millions
of peoples have been murdered by Washington's pursuit of hegemony,
and millions have been turned into refugees."
Paul Craig Roberts , 2015
"While Barack Obama's predecessor,
George W. Bush, can be properly credited with the destruction
of Afghanistan and Iraq, Obama managed to contribute significantly
to the destruction of Libya, Yemen, and Syria, while attacking
the people of Somalia as well."
Laurie Calhoun, 2017
"In 2016, Obama ordered
his military to drop at least 26,171 bombs.
They rained relentlessly down on seven majority-Muslim countries
- Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan."
Piers Morgan, 2017