Books in the Spotlight
Tragedy & Hope - a history of the
world in our time - Carroll Quigley
None Dare Call It Conspiracy - Gary Allen
Anglo-American Establishment, The - Carroll
America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction
to the Order of Skull and Bones - Antony Sutton
Naked Capitalist, The - W. Cleon Skousen
Report from Iron Mountain On the Possibility
and Desirability of Peace
Gods of Money - Wall Street and the Death
of the American Century - F. William Engdahl
Century of War, A - Anglo-American Oil
Politics & New World Order - William Engdahl
Superclass - the Global Power Elite and
the World They Are Making - David Rothkopf
Creature from Jekyll Island, The - the
creation of the Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin
Committee of 300, The - the New World
Order and the Conspirator's Hierarchy - John Coleman
Power Elite, The - C. Wright Mills
Bilderberg Group, The - Daniel Estulin
Web of Debt - The Shocking Truth About
Our Money System - Ellen Hodgson Brown
Big Oil and Their
Bankers in the Persian Gulf - Dean Henderson
DOPE, INC. - Executive Intelligence Review
(EIR) - 1986 & 1992
Treasure Islands - Tax Havens and the
Men Who Stole the World - Nicholas Shaxson
American Conspiracies - Lies, Lies, and
More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us - Jesse Ventura with
Dick Russell
JFK - The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to
Assassinate John F. Kennedy - L. Fletcher Prouty
Final Judgment -
The missing link in the JFK assassination conspiracy - Michael
Collins Piper
JFK and the Unspeakable - Why He Died
and Why It Matters - James W. Douglass
Iron Triangle, The - Carlyle Group - Dan
Trilateralism - the Trilateral Commission
and World Management - Holly Sklar
Shock Doctrine, The - the Rise of Disaster
Capitalism - Naomi Klein
New World Order
The World Really Works - Alan B. Jones
[a review of several books that can help readers acquire the essential
knowledge necessary to understand how the world really works]
Synthetic Terror - made in the USA - Webster Griffin Tarpley
9/11 and American
Empire - Intellectuals Speak Out - edited by David Ray Griffin
and Peter Dale Scott
America's Secret
Establishment - An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones
- Antony Sutton
Anglo-American Establishment,
The - Carroll Quigley
Bilderberg Group,
The - Daniel Estulin
Brave New World
Brave New World
Revisited -Aldous Huxley
Case Against the
Fed, The - Murray N. Rothbard
Clash of Civilizations,
The - Samuel P. Huntington
Committee of 300,
The - The Conspirator's Hierarchy - John Coleman
Creature from Jekyll
Island, The - the Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin
Descent Into Slavery?
- Des Griffin
DOPE, INC. - the
book that drove Henry Kissinger crazy - Executive Intelligence
Review (EIR) - 1986 & 1992
Economic Elite,
The vs The People of the United States of America - David Degraw
Elite Consensus,
The - When Corporations Wield the Constitution - George Draffan
Final Warning -
A History of the New World Order - David Allen Rivera
Fourth Reich of
the Rich - Des Griffin
Full Spectrum Dominance
- U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond
Global Economic
Crisis, The, Great Depression of XXI Century - Michel Chossudovsky
and Andrew Gavin Marshall, Editors
Globalization of
Poverty and the New World Order, The - Michel Chossudovsky
Gods of Money -
Wall Street and the Death of the American Century
Greening, The -
Environmentalists' Drive for Global Power - Larry Abraham with
Franklin Sanders
Hidden Evil, The
- The Financial Elite's Covert War Against the Civilian Population
- Mark M. Rich
Imperial Brain Trust
- Council on Foreign Relations - Lawrence Shoup and William Minter
Naked Capitalist,
The - W. Cleon Skousen
None Dare Call It
Conspiracy - Gary Allen
Power Elite, The
- E. Wright Mills
Powers That Be,
The - G. William Domhoff
Project for the
New American Century - from Robbing Us Blind
Report from Iron
Mountain On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace
Road to 9/11, The
- Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America - Peter Dale Scott
Rockefeller File,
The - Gary Allen
Secrets of the Federal
Reserve, The - Eustace Mullins
Secret Team, The
- the CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the
World - L. Fletcher Prouty
Seeds of Destruction
- the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation - F. William Engdahl
Shadow Masters -
Daniel Estulin
Shadows of Power,
The - Council on Foreign Relations and American Decline - James
Shock Doctrine,
The - the Rise of Disaster Capitalism - Naomi Klein
Superclass - the
Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making - David Rothkopf
Treasure Islands
- Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World - Nicholas Shaxson
Trilateralism -
the Trilateral Commission and World Management - Holly Sklar
Web of Debt - The
Shocking Truth About Our Money System - Ellen Hodgson Brown
Who Rules America
Now? - G. William Domhoff
Foreign Policy
Doesn't Matter - how the West has failed the poorest continent
- Giles Bolton
Against Empire -
Michael Parenti
After the Cataclysm
- Noam Chomsky / Edward Herman
America Besieged
- Michael Parenti
America Right or
Wrong - an Anatomy of American Nationalism - Anatol Lieven
American Conspiracies
- Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us
- Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell
American Empire
- Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy - Andrew Bacevich
An Ordinary Person's
Guide to Empire - Arundhati Roy
Arms Trade - the
No-Nonsense guide - Gideon Burrows
Betraying the National
Interest - Francis Moore Lappe', R Schuman & K Danaher
Bilderberg Group,
The - Daniel Estulin
Bioterror - Manufacturing
Wars the American Way - ed. E Ray & W Schaap
Blowback - Chalmers
Boomerang - Mark
Bush Agenda, The
- Invading the World, One Economy at a Time - Antonia Juhasz
Censored Foreign
Policy stories - Project Censored
Citizens of the
Empire - Robert Jensen
Century of War,
A - Anglo-American Oil Politics & New World Order - William
Clash of Fundamentalisms,
The - Tariq Ali
Colombia and the
United States - War & Destabilization - Mario Murillo
Confessions of an
Economic Hit Man - John Perkins
Confronting Empire
- Eqbal Ahmad
Contrary Notions
-The Michael Parenti Reader
Covert Action -
the Roots of Terrorism - ed. E. Ray & W. Schaap
Crossing the Rubicon
- The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of
Oil - Michael Ruppert
Cry of the People
- Penny Lernoux
Damning the Flood:
Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment - Peter Hallward
Dark Victory - Walden
Deliberate Deceptions
- U.S.-Israeli Relationship - Paul Findley
Deliver Us From
Evil - William Shawcross
Distant Voices -
John Pilger
DOPE, INC. - the
book that drove Henry Kissinger crazy - Executive Intelligence
Review (EIR) - 1986 & 1992
Draft Registration
and The Law - R. Charles Johnson
Dreaming War - Gore
Drugs, Oil, and
War - The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina
- Peter Dale Scott
Elite Consensus,
The - When Corporations Wield the Constitution - George Draffan
Empire As A Way
Of Life - William Appleman Williams
Empire Has No Clothes,
The - Ivan Eland
Empire's Workshop
- Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism
- Greg Grandin
Ethnic Cleansing
of Palestine, The - Ilan Pappe
Exception to the
Rulers, The - Amy Goodman
Eyes of the Heart
- Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Final Judgment -
missing link in JFK assassination conspiracy - Michael Collins
Fortress America
- William Greider
Freeing the World
to Death - essays on the american empire - William Blum
Full Spectrum Dominance
- Rahul Mahajan
Full Spectrum Dominance
- Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order - F. William Engdahl
Getting Haiti Right
This Time - The U.S. and the Coup - Noam Chomsky, Paul Farmer,
Amy Goodman
Globalization of
Poverty and the New World Order, The - Michel Chossudovsky
Gods of Money -
Wall Street and the Death of the American Century
Hidden Agendas -
John Pilger
Hidden Evil, The
- The Financial Elite's Covert War Against the Civilian Population
- Mark M. Rich
Hoax - the difference
in world view between the U.S. and everybody else - Nicholas Von
Holocaust Industry,
The - Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering - Norman
Howard Zinn on War
How Much Are You
Making On The War Daddy? - William D. Hartung
Imperial Alibis
- Stephen Shalom
In the Name of Democracy
- Thomas Carothers
In the Name of Democracy
- American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond - edited by Jeremy Brecher,
Jill Cutler, and Brendan Smith
Intervention and
Revolution - Richard Barnet
Intimate History
of Killing, An - in 20th-century warfare - Joanna Bourke
Iran Contra Connection,
The - Johnathan Marshall, Peter Dale Scott & Jane Hunter
Israeli Foreign
Policy - Jane Hunter
Israel and Latin
America: The Military Connection - Bishara Bahbah
Israel Lobby and
U.S. Foreign Policy, The - John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M.
Killing Hope - William
Jewish Fundamentalism
in Israel - Israel Shahak & Norton Mezvinsky
JFK - The CIA, Vietnam,
and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy - L. Fletcher Prouty
Johnny Got His Gun
- Dalton Trumbo (1939)
Lawless World -
how Bush and Blair are taking the law into their own hands - Philippe
Limits of Power,
The - the End of American Exceptionalism - Andrew Bacevich
Lying for Empire
- by David Model
Masters of War -
ed. Carl Boggs
Mountains Over Mountains
- Tracy Kidder
Nemesis - the Last
Days of the American Republic - Chalmers Johnson
New American Militarism,
The - Andrew Bacevich
New Rulers of the
World, The - John Pilger
New World Order,
The - H.G. Wells (originally published 1950)
Nuclear Power Is
Not The Answer - Hellen Caldicott
Open Veins of Latin
America - Five Centuries of Pillage of a Continent - Eduardo Galeano
Other Israel, The
- edited by Roane Cary and Jonathan Shainin
Overthrow - Stephen
Pathologies of Power
- Paul Farmer
Perpetual War for
Perpetual Peace - Gore Vidal
Politics of War,
The - the story of two wars which altered forever the political
life of the American republic - Walter Karp
Power of Israel
in the United States, The - James Petras
Power Trip - ed.
John Feffer
Pox Americana -
edited by John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney
Praetorian Guard,
The - John Stockwell
Predatory States
- Operation Condor in Latin America - J. Patrice McSherry
Profit Over People
- Noam Chomsky
Profits of War -
Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network - Ari Ben-Menashe
Reagan, Trilateralism
and the Neoliberals - Holly Sklar
Road to 9/11, The
- Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America - Peter Dale Scott
Rogue State - William
Rogue State - T.
D. Allman
Rogue States - Noam
Rogue States and
Nuclear Outlaws - Michael Klare
Secrets of the Federal
Reserve, The - Eustace Mullins
Secret History of
the American Empire, The - John Perkins
Secrets, Lies, and
Democracy - Noam Chomsky
Secret Team, The
- the CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the
World - L. Fletcher Prouty
Seeds of Destruction
- the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation - F. William Engdahl
Shadow Masters -
Daniel Estulin
Sorrows of Empire,
The - Chalmers Johnson
State Terrorism
and the United States - Frederick Gareau
Superclass - the
Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making - David Rothkopf
Super Power Syndrome
- Robert J. Lifton
Sword and the Dollar
- Michael Parenti
Tainted Legacy -
9/11 and the Ruin of Human Rights - William Schulz
Target Iraq - Norman
They Dare To Speak
Out - People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby - Paul Findley
Tinderbox - Stephen
Treasure Islands
- Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World - Nicholas Shaxson
Trial of Henry Kissinger,
The - Christopher Hitchins
Trilateralism -
Holly Sklar
Ultimate Sacrifice
- Plan for a Coup in Cuba and the murder of JFK - Lamar Waldron
with Thom Hartmann
Unbroken Agony,
An - Haiti, from Revolution to Kidnapping of a President - Randall
Uneasy Empire -
Greg Guma
United States of
Europe, The - the new superpower and the end of American supremacy
by T. R. Reid
Wall Street and
the Bolshevik Revolution - Antony Sutton
Wall Street and
the Rise of Hitler - Antony Sutton
Wandering Who?,
The - A Study of Jewish Identity Politics - Gilad Atzmon
War and Globalisation
- Michel Chossudovsky
War Crimes - US
War Crimes Against Iraq - Ramsey Clark
War Is A Racket
- General Smedley D. Butler (1935)
War Is A Force That
Gives Us Meaning - Chris Hedges
War Is A Lie - David
War Made Easy -
Norman Solomon
War Talk - Arundhati
Weapons in Space
- Karl Grossman
What Uncle Sam Really
Wants - Noam Chomsky
When China Rules
the World - Martin Jacques
Zionism in the Age
of the Dictators - Lenni Brenner
Third World
Doesn't Matter - How the West has failed the poorest continent
- Giles Bolton
Betraying the National
Interest - Francis Moore Lappe', R Schuman & K Danaher
Boomerang - Mark
Brave New World
Order - Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer
Clash of Civilizations,
The - Huntington
Confessions of an
Economic Hit Man - John Perkins
Confronting the
Third World - Gabriel Kolko
Covert Action -
the Roots of Terrorism - ed. E. Ray & W. Schaap
Cry of the People
- Penny Lernoux
Disposable People
- New Slavery in the Global Economy - Kevin Bales
DOPE, INC. - the
book that drove Henry Kissinger crazy - Executive Intelligence
Review (EIR) - 1986 & 1992
Globalization of
Poverty and the New World Order, The - Michel Chossudovsky
Heroes - John Pilger
Ideal Illusions
- How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights - James Peck
In the Name of Democracy
- Thomas Carothers
International Development
- the No-Nonsense guide
In Search of Enemies
- John Stockwell
Intervention and
Revolution - Richard Barnet
Killing Hope - William
Low Intensity Warfare
- Michael Klare & Peter Kornbluh
Power Politics -
Arundhati Roy
Predatory States
- Operation Condor in Latin America - J. Patrice McSherry
Problem from Hell,
A - America and the Age of Genocide - Samantha Power
Prosperous Few and
the Restless Many - Noam Chomsky
Resource Wars -
Michael Klare
Rollback - Tom Bodenheimer
and Robert Gould
Secret History of
the American Empire, The - John Perkins
Secrets, Lies, and
Democracy - Noam Chomsky
Seeds of Destruction
- the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation - F. William Engdahl
Shock Doctrine,
The - the Rise of Disaster Capitalism - Naomi Klein
Sideshow - William
Tainted Legacy -
9/11 and the Ruin of Human Rights - William Schulz
Twentieth Century
Dictatorships - Paul Brooker
Upside Down - Eduardo
Views from the South
- Sarah Anderson
Year 501 - Noam
An Ordinary Person's
Guide to Empire - Arundhati Roy
Century of War,
A - Anglo-American Oil Politics & New World Order - William
Citizens of the
Empire - Robert Jensen
Confronting Empire
- Eqbal Ahmad
Decline and Fall
of the American Empire, The - Gore Vidal
Elite Consensus,
The - When Corporations Wield the Constitution - George Draffan
Empire As A Way
Of Life - William Appleman Williams
Empire Has No Clothes,
The - Ivan Eland
Empire's Workshop
- Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism
- Greg Grandin
Full Spectrum Dominance
- Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order - F. William Engdahl
Globalization of
Poverty and the New World Order, The - Michel Chossudovsky
Gods of Money -
Wall Street and the Death of the American Century
Lying for Empire
- by David Model
Nemesis - the Last
Days of the American Republic - Chalmers Johnson
Predatory States
- Operation Condor in Latin America - J. Patrice McSherry
Pretensions to Empire
- Lewis Lapham
Road to 9/11, The
- Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America - Peter Dale Scott
Rulers and Ruled
in the US Empire - Bankers, Zionists, Militants - James Petras
Secret History of
the American Empire, The - John Perkins
Secrets of the Federal
Reserve, The - Eustace Mullins
Seeds of Destruction
- the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation - F. William Engdahl
Shadow Masters -
Daniel Estulin
Sorrows of Empire,
The - Chalmers Johnson
Treasure Islands
- Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World - Nicholas Shaxson
Uneasy Empire -
Greg Guma
- Noam Chomsky
9/11 and American
Empire - Intellectuals Speak Out - edited by David Ray Griffin
and Peter Dale Scott
9/11 Synthetic Terror
- made in the USA - Webster Griffin Tarpley
Act of State, An
- the execution of Martin Luther King - William F. Pepper
American Conspiracies
- Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us
- Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell
America's "War
On Terrorism" - Michel Chossudovsky
Behind the War on
Terror - Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Blowback - Chalmers
Culture of Terrorism,
The - Noam Chomsky
DOPE, INC. - the
book that drove Henry Kissinger crazy - Executive Intelligence
Review (EIR) - 1986 & 1992
Hidden Terrors -
A.J. Langguth
New Pearl Harbor,
The - David Ray Griffin
Real Terror Network,
The - Edward S. Herman
September 11 and
the U.S. War - Roger Burbach & Ben Clarke
Terrorism, No-Nonsense
guide to - Jonathan Barker
Terrorism and the
Constitution - David Cole & James Dempsey
Terrorism and War
- Howard Zinn
Terrorism Trap,
The - Michael Parenti
Unspeakable Acts,
Ordinary People - John Conroy
Corporations / Globalization
Samaritans - the Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of
Capitalism - Ha-Joon Chang
Brave New World
Order - Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer
Bush Agenda, The
- Invading the World, One Economy at a Time - Antonia Juhasz
Confessions of an
Economic Hit Man - John Perkins
Corporate Predators
- Russel Mokhiber & Robert Weissman
Corporation Nation
- Charles Derber
Corporations Are
Gonna Get Your Mama - Kevin Danaher
Cutting Corporate
Welfare - Ralph Nader
DOPE, INC. - the
book that drove Henry Kissinger crazy - Executive Intelligence
Review (EIR) - 1986 & 1992
Elite Consensus,
The - When Corporations Wield the Constitution - George Draffan
Global Economic
Crisis, The, Great Depression of XXI Century - Michel Chossudovsky
and Andrew Gavin Marshall, Editors
Global Village or
Global Pillage - Jeremy Brecher
Globalization -
the No-Nonsense guide - Wayne Ellwood
Globalization and
the Decline of Social Reform - Gary Teeple
Globalization Unmasked
- James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer
Globalization and
Its Discontents - Joseph E. Stiglitz
Globalize This!
- Kevin Danaher & Roger Burbach
Gods of Money -
Wall Street and the Death of the American Century
In Banks We Trust
- money making, lending, and laundering from boardrooms to back
alleys - Penny Lernoux
Triangle, The - Carlyle Group - Dan BriodyOne World, Ready or
Not - William Greider
Pigs at the Trough
- Arianna HuffingtonPost-Corporate World, The - David Korten
Road to 9/11, The
- Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America - Peter Dale Scott
Second World, The
- How Emerging Powers Are Redefining Global Competition in the
Twenty-first Century - Parag Khanna
Secret Team, The
- the CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the
World - L. Fletcher Prouty
Seeds of Deception
- Genetically Engineered Food - Jeffrey M. Smith
Seeds of Destruction
- the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation - F. William Engdahl
Shock Doctrine,
The - the Rise of Disaster Capitalism - Naomi Klein
Silent Takeover,
The - Norena Hertz
Superclass - the
Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making - David Rothkopf
Unequal Protection
- Thom Hartmann
Wall Street and
FDR - Antony Sutton
When Corporations
Rule the World - David Korten
Water Wars - Vandana
World According
to Monsanto, The - Marie-Monique Robin
World on Fire -
Amy Chua
World Poverty -
Jeremy Seabrook
WTO, The - Lori
Wallach & Michelle Sforza
- George Orwell (1949)
Act of State, An
- the execution of Martin Luther King - William F. Pepper
Age of American
Unreason, The - Susan Jacoby
America Challenged
- William O. Douglas
America Right or
Wrong - an Anatomy of American Nationalism - Anatol Lieven
American Conspiracies
- Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us
- Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell
American Dynasty
- Kevin Phillips
American Fascists
- Christian Right and War on America - Chris Hedges
American Holocaust
- David Stannard
American Police
State, The - the government against the people - David Wise
American Theocracy
- radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st century
- Kevin Phillips
America's Secret
Establishment - An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones
- Antony Sutton
Another World Is
Possible - Ed. Jee Kim, Jeremy Glick, et al
The - Probe magazine investigations into the assassinations of
John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy
Atheism - The Case
Against God - George H. Smith
Banana Republicans
- Rampton and Stauber
Best Democracy Money
Can Buy, The - Greg Palast
Broken Promises
of America, The - at home and abroad, past and present - Volumes
1 & 2 - Douglas Dowd
Buried Alive - Walter
KarpBurning All Illusions - David Edwards
China Study, The
- The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and
the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term
Health - T. Colin Campbell
Clash of Fundamentalisms,
The - Tariq Ali
Class. Caste &
Hierarchies - the No-Nonsense guide - Jeremy Seabrook
Class War in America
- Charles M. Kelly
Cocaine Politics
- Peter Dale Scott
Common Good - Noam
Conscience of a
Liberal, The - Paul Krugman
Conservatives Without
Conscience - by John Dean
Contrary Notions
-The Michael Parenti Reader
Corruption of American
Politics, The - Elizabeth Drew
Crashing the Party
- Ralph Nader
Creature from Jekyll
Island, The - the Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin
Crossing the Rubicon
- The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of
Oil - Michael Ruppert
Dark Ages America
- Morris Berman
Decline and Fall
of the American Empire, The - Gore Vidal
Defense Against
The Psychopath - Stefan H. Verstappen
Democracy - the
No-Nonsense guide - Richard Swift
Democratic Facade,
Democracy Matters
- Cornel West
Deterring Democracy
- Noam Chomsky
Dirty Truths - Michael
Dollars and Votes
- Dan Clawson, Alan Neustadtl & Mark Weller
DOPE, INC. - the
book that drove Henry Kissinger crazy - Executive Intelligence
Review (EIR) - 1986 & 1992
Dude, where's my
country? - Michael Moore
Eagle's Shadow,
The - Mark Hertzgaard
Economic Elite,
The vs The People of the United States of America - David Degraw
Eleanor: The Years
Alone - Joseph Lash
Eleanor Roosevelt
- The Defining Years 1933-1938 - Blanche Wiesen Cooke
Elite Consensus,
The - When Corporations Wield the Constitution - George Draffan
End of America,
The - Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Naomi Wolf
End of Faith, The
- Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason - Sam Harris
False Hope - Normon
Farewell To Justice,
A - Jim Garrison, JFK's assassination, and the case that should
have changed history - Joan Mellen
Final Judgment -
missing link in JFK assassination conspiracy - Michael Collins
Fixing Elections
- Steven Hill
Freethinkers - a
history of American secularism - Susan Jacoby
Gag Rule - Suppression
of Dissent & Stifling of Democracy - Lewis Lapham
George H W Bush:
The Unauthorized Biography - Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton
Global Economic
Crisis, The, Great Depression of XXI Century - Michel Chossudovsky
and Andrew Gavin Marshall, Editors
God Delusion, The
- Richard Dawkins
God and Religion
- Bertrand Russell
Gods of Money -
Wall Street and the Death of the American Century
Great Unraveling,
The - Paul Krugman
Hidden Evil, The
- The Financial Elite's Covert War Against the Civilian Population
- Mark M. Rich
Hijacking Catastrophe
- ed. Sut Jhally and Jeremy Earp
Hoax - the difference
in world view between the U.S. and everybody else - Nicholas Von
Hotel America -
Lewis Lapham
How Democratic is
the American Constitution - Robert A. Dahl
How the Left Can
Win Arguments and Influence People - John K. Wilson
How to Overthrow
the Government - Arianna Huffington
Imperial America
- Gore Vidal
In Banks We Trust
- money making, lending, and laundering from boardrooms to back
alleys - Penny Lernoux
Indispensable Enemies
- the politics of misrule in America - Walter Karp
Israel Lobby and
U.S. Foreign Policy, The - John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M.
It Did Happen Here
- Bud Schultz & Ruth Schultz
JFK - The CIA, Vietnam,
and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy - L. Fletcher Prouty
JFK and the Unspeakable
- Why He Died and Why It Matters - James W. Douglass
Last Days of Democracy,
The - Elliot Cohen and Bruce Fraser
LBJ: The Mastermind
of JFK's Assassination - Phillip F. Nelson
Letter to a Christian
Nation - Sam Harris
Liberty Under Siege
- Walter Karp
Man Who Sold the
World, The - Ronald Reagan and Betrayal of Main Street America
- William Kleinknecht
Middle Mind , The
- Why Americans Don't Think for Themselves - Curtis White
Moral Politics -
George Lakoff
New World Order,
The - H.G. Wells (originally published 1950)
Myth America: Democracy
vs. Capitalism - William H. Boyer
Necessary Illusions
- Noam Chomsky
Nemesis - the Last
Days of the American Republic - Chalmers Johnson
New American Militarism,
The - Andrew Bacevich
New Pearl Harbor,
The - David Ray Griffin
New Progressive
Era, The
No Mercy - Jean
Stefancic & Richard Delgado
On Democracy - Robert
Paradox of American
Democracy, The - John Judis
Philosophic Roots
of Modern Ideology, The - Liberalism & Fascism - David Ingersoll
& Richard Matthews
Points of Rebellion
- William O. Douglas
Political Fictions
- Joan Didion
Political Ponerology
- a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes
- Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Politics of Meaning,
The - Michael Lerner
Politics of Lying,
The - David Wise
Power Elite, The
- C. Wright Mills
Powers That Be,
The - G. William Domhoff
Pretensions to Empire
- Lewis Lapham
Price of Power,
The - Seymour Hersh
Private Power and
American Democracy - Grant McConnell
Propaganda - The
Formation of Men's Attitudes - Jacques Ellul
Propaganda - Edward
Bernays (1928)
Ralph Nader Reader
Report from Iron
Mountain On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace
Road to 9/11, The
- Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America - Peter Dale Scott
Robbing Us Blind
- Steve Brouwer
Ruling America -
a history of wealth and power in a democracy - Steve Fraser and
Gary Gerstle
Secrecy & Privilege
- Rise of the Bush Dynasty - Robert Parry
Secrets of the Federal
Reserve, The - Eustace Mullins
Secret Team, The
- the CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the
World - L. Fletcher Prouty
Seeds of Destruction
- the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation - F. William Engdahl
Selling Out - Mark
Silencing Political
Dissent - Nancy Chang
Sociopath Next Door,
The - The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us - Martha Stout
Static - Government
Liars, Media Cheerleaders and the People Who Fight Back - Amy
Goodman and David Goodman
Stupid White Men
- Michael Moore
Superclass - the
Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making - David Rothkopf
- Michael Parenti
Taking Back America
- edited by Katrina Vanden Heuvel and Robert L. Borosage
They Dare To Speak
Out - People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby - Paul Findley
Third Parties in
America - Steven Rosenstone, Roy Behr, Edward Lazarus
This Can't Be Happening-
Disintegration of American Democracy - Dave Lindorff
Toward an American
Revolution - Jerry Fresia
Tree of Liberty,
The - Nicholas Kittrie & Eldon Wedlock
Treasure Islands
- Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World - Nicholas Shaxson
Truman Era, The
- I.F. Stone
Twight of American
Culture, The - Morris Berman
Twilight of Democracy,
The - The Bush Plan for America - Jennifer Van Bergen
Ultimate Sacrifice
- Plan for a Coup in Cuba and the murder of JFK - Lamar Waldron
with Thom Hartmann
USA - Rights for
All - Amnesty International
Voices of a People's
History of the United States - H Zinn/A Arnove
Wall Street and
the Rise of Hitler - Anthony Sutton
Wall Street and
FDR - Antony Sutton
War at Home, The
- Domestic Costs of Bush's Militarism - Frances Fox Piven
War Is A Force That
Gives Us Meaning - Chris Hedges
Washington on $10
million a Day - Ken Silverstein
Wealth and Democracy
- Kevin Phillips
Web of Debt - The
Shocking Truth About Our Money System - Ellen Hodgson Brown
What's the Matter
with Kansas? - Thomas Frank
Who Killed JFK?
- Carl Olgesby
Who Killed Martin
Luther King? - Phillip Melanson
Who Killed Robert
Kennedy? - Phillip Melanson
Who Rules America
Now? - G. William Domhoff
Why Americans Don't
Vote - Francis Fox Piven & Richard Cloward
Why I Am Not a Christian
- Bertrand Russell
World Without Cancer
- G. Edward Griffin
Conspiracies - Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government
Tells Us - Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell
Amusing Ourselves
to Death - Neil Postman
Bad News - The Decline
of Reporting - Tom Fenton
Censored Foreign
Policy stories - Project Censored
Conglomerates and
the Media - Erik Barnouw, et al
Corporate Media
& Threat to Democracy - McChesney
Decline and Fall
of Public Broadcasting - David Barsamian
Information War
- Nancy Snow
Inventing Reality
- Michael Parenti
It's the Media,
Stupid - McChesney and Nichols
Free Press, The
- an essay on manipulation of news and opinion - Hilaire Belloc
George Seldes Reader,
The - Randolph T. Holhut
Global Media - the
No-Nonsense guide - Peter Steven
How To Watch TV
News - Neil Postman and Steve Powers
Manufacturing Consent
- N Chomsky/E Herman
Media Control -
Noam Chomsky
Media Monopoly,
The - Ben Bagdikian
Nation Magazine,
The - Selections 1865-1990
Necessary Illusions
Networks of Power-Corporate
TV Threat to Democracy - Dennie Mazzocco
New Media Monopoly,
The - Ben Bagdikian
News About the News,
The - Leonard Downie and Robert Kaiser
On Bended Knee -
Mark Hertsgaard
Our Media Not Theirs
- McChesney and NicholsPentagon Propaganda Machine, The - J. William
Problem of the Media,
The - Robert McChesney
Project Censored-annual
report on censored stories
Propaganda - The
Formation of Men's Attitudes - Jacques Ellul
Propaganda - Edward
Bernays (1928)
Propaganda, Inc.
- Nancy Snow
Republican Noise
Machine, The - David Brock
Rich Media, Poor
Democracy - Robert McChesney
Static - Government
Liars, Media Cheerleaders and the People Who Fight Back - Amy
Goodman and David Goodman
Stenographers to
Power - media and propaganda - David Barsamian interviews
Through the Media
Looking Glass - Jeff Cohen & Norman Solomon
Toxic Sludge Is
Good For You - John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton
Tragedy & Farce
- Robert McChesney and John Nichols
Trust Us, We're
Experts! - John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton
Twenty Years of
Censored News - Project Censored / Peter Phillips
Unreliable Sources
- Normon Solomon
War, Lies &
Videotape - International Action Center
What Liberal Media?
- Eric Alterman
What Orwell Didn't
Know - Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics - edited
by Andras Szanto
What the People
Know - Freedom and the Press - Richard Reeves
Wizads of Media
OZ - Normon Solomon
of State, An - the execution of Martin Luther King - William F.
American Conspiracies
- Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us
- Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell
American Police
State, The - the government against the people - David Wise
Boomerang - Mark
Break-ins, Death
Threats and the FBI - Ross Gelbspan
Challenging the
Secret Government - K Olmsted
CIA Diary - Philip
AgeeCIA's Greatest Hits - Mark Zapezauer
Covert Action -
the Roots of Terrorism - ed. E. Ray & W. Schaap
Deadly Deceits -
Ralph McGehee
DOPE, INC. - the
book that drove Henry Kissinger crazy - Executive Intelligence
Review (EIR) - 1986 & 1992
Farewell To Justice,
A - Jim Garrison, JFK's assassination, and the case that should
have changed history - Joan Mellen
George H W Bush:
The Unauthorized Biography - Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton
Inside the Shadow
Government - National Emergencies and Cult of Secrecy - Harry
JFK - The CIA, Vietnam,
and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy - L. Fletcher Prouty
JFK and the Unspeakable
- Why He Died and Why It Matters - James W. Douglass
Lawless State, The
- Morton Halperin
LBJ: The Mastermind
of JFK's Assassination - Phillip F. Nelson
Predatory States
- Operation Condor in Latin America - J. Patrice McSherry
Road to 9/11, The
- Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America - Peter Dale Scott
Safe For Democracy
- the Secret Wars of the CIA - John Prados
Secret Government,
The - Bill Moyers
Secrets - CIA's
war at home - Angus Mackenzie
Secret Team, The
- the CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the
World - L. Fletcher Prouty
War At Home - Covert
Action Against U.S. Activists - Brian Glick
Economics / Labor / Banks
the Conventional Wisdom - Doug Dowd
Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf -
Dean Henderson
Class War in America
- Charles M. Kelly
Crisis of Global
Capitalism, The - George Soros
Creature from Jekyll
Island, The - the Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin
Descent Into Slavery?
- Des Griffin
DOPE, INC. - the
book that drove Henry Kissinger crazy - Executive Intelligence
Review (EIR) - 1986 & 1992
Downsize This! -
Michael Moore
Economic Elite,
The vs The People of the United States of America - David Degraw
Empire of "The
City" - E. C. Knuth
Global Economic
Crisis, The, Great Depression of XXI Century - Michel Chossudovsky
and Andrew Gavin Marshall, Editors
Gods of Money -
Wall Street and the Death of the American Century
Great Unraveling,
The - Paul Krugman
History of Money
and Banking in the United States, A - Murray N. Rothbard
In Banks We Trust
- money making, lending, and laundering from boardrooms to back
alleys - Penny Lernoux
Robbing Us Blind
- Steve Brouwer
Secrets of the Federal
Reserve, The - Eustace Mullins
Seeds of Destruction
- the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation - F. William Engdahl
Shafted - Free Trade
and America's Working Poor
Sharing the Pie
- Steve Brouwer
Take the Rich Off
Welfare - Mark Zepezauer
Treasure Islands
- Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World - Nicholas Shaxson
Web of Debt - The
Shocking Truth About Our Money System - Ellen Hodgson Brown
Workers of the World
of State, An - the execution of Martin Luther King - William F.
American Axis, The
- Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and Rise of Third Reich - Max
American Conspiracies
- Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us
- Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell
Anatomy of Fascism
- Robert O. Paxton
Blowback - Christopher
Fascism- a very
short introduction - Kevin Passmore
Fascism - Past,
Present and Future - W Laqueur
Friendly Fascism
- Bertram Gross
It Did Happen Here
- Bud Schultz & Ruth Schultz
Splendid Blond Beast,
The - Christopher Simpson
Trading with the
Enemy - Charles Higham
Washington Connection
& Third World Fascism - Chomsky/Herman
Wall Street and
the Rise of Hitler - Anthony Sutton